Police Find Missing Girl Chloe Campbell, Police Say She Ran Away from Home


Chloe Campbell is a 14-year old Colorado girl who was reported missing 10 days ago. Her family reunited her.

According to authorities, the Boulder teenager ran away and tried to avoid contact with police when she was found at Thornton, Colorado on Monday afternoon.

“While investigators continue to believe that Chloe ran away, there is an ongoing investigation about where she was and what occurred while she was separated from her family,”Maris Herold, Boulder Police Chief, stated this at a press confermence.

Police claim that Chloe wasn’t abducted or held against Chloe’s will while she was gone.

“There are indications that considerable steps were being taken by Chloe to avoid contact from law enforcement as well as her family. We, however, had indications that she was alive throughout the week,”Stephen Redfearn, Deputy Police Chief, said.

Witnesses said Chloe was seen with two older men who “looked sketchy” at a high school football game before she went missing.

Before she was found, Boulder police had faced criticism, including from the family of JonBenét Ramsey, for branding Chloe a runaway and not issuing an Amber Alert.

The police are defending their handling of the case.

“Boulder police had no evidence to suggest that an abduction had occurred,”Redfearn stated.

Chloe’s parents released a statement saying that they can’t express their relief that their daughter was found alive and receiving medical attention. They are still unsure about what happened to her.


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