Major Upsets Due to Planetary Traffic Jam


The celestial traffic jam is being created by the increasing number of planets. Venus and Mars are flying together, while Mercury and Saturn fly in tandem. Jupiter, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune each form their own clump. Pluto and Uranus are two other outlier bookends.

The Full Moon’s glowing light will illuminate the planetary traffic jam, and us all, in a flatteringly bright light. Challenges abound this week, and most of them have to do with cleaning out our closet’s skeletons.

This may look completely different depending on the sign. It is true that some people will have it much easier than others. How did your sign do this week?


March 20 – April 19

aries zodiac symbol

You’re cheating yourself out of happiness by clinging to your assumptions so tightly. Yes, you’ve been burned in the past. But that doesn’t guarantee a similar fate for your future. If you continue to act as though it will, then you’re bound to fulfill your own prophecy. Even then, you won’t be right—just self-defeating.

Remember this week that your present can be (and is) independent of your past. To see the path ahead of you, remove your emotional blinders.


April 19 – May 20

taurus zodiac symbol

Even the best-laid plans, even those of mice or men (or in your case, bulls), often go wrong. Taurus, you can’t plan the future perfectly and neither can you predict it. Your inability to do so isn’t a mark of failure; it’s a mark of being human. You will feel happier if you can learn to ride the waves and not push through them.

You’re no stranger to hard work. Don’t consider this challenge any different than the countless others you’ve faced and overcome.


May 20 – June 21

gemini zodiac symbol

Your heart and your head rarely share the same page. While the former can be vulnerable and open to connecting, the latter can become enslaved by its own doubts and fears. It is impossible to rationalize every aspect of your life until death. There is very little space for joy and beauty.

You’ll soon encounter an obstacle that forces you to choose between feelings or logic. For a change, the stars recommend that you listen to your heart. It’s possible you will like what you hear.


June 21 – July 22

cancer zodiac symbol

Your comfort zone should not become quicksand, Cancer. If you seek personal growth, then you’re going to have to get used to venturing into the unfamiliar. You don’t need to bear your soul for all to witness; just stepping into the unknown is good enough. Even if you can only manage to poke your head out of your shell, at least you’re there.

These uncomfortable feelings won’t last forever. But while they’re here, you might as well try to learn something from them.


July 22 – August 22

leo zodiac symbol

Despite your self-confidence, you spend a lot on social dynamics. Which social rank do you belong on? What do other people think about you? You are often well-liked because of your external self-assuredness. So, the things you’re worried about are more likely self-reflections that you’re projecting into someone’s head.

Do your best for each other and focus on what you see. Unencumbered ego is essential when you are trying to improve yourself. Are you up to the task?


August 22 – September 22

virgo zodiac symbol

If something isn’t broken, you’re not inclined to fix it. You take great pride in how you live your life—your work ethic, beliefs, and moral code. Recently, however, you have been challenged by something. To combat this issue, you’re simply pretending that cognitive dissonance doesn’t exist.

In doing so, you’re marinating in a problem for which you have the solution. Your “quick” fix is not only temporary; it’s also not even a fix at all. Try to find harmony this week.


September 22 – October 23

libra zodiac symbol

Airing dirty laundry can sometimes be the best way to get rid of it. All out. Until that happens, we’re liable to repeat the same toxic behaviors and patterns. This is how we all fall into the same emotionally draining rabbit holes. Being confrontational is not something you’re used to, so things might feel a little shaky at first.

It could be the right thing to help you get back on solid ground. Get to the bottom of what’s grieving you, and find a way to make peace with it.


October 23 – November 22

scorpio zodiac symbol

Scorpio, you can let your rebellious nature get the best. Indeed, you buck against everyone’s expectations, including your own. Fear of failure can convince you that you can avoid the dangers of self-destructive behavior. Are the two outcomes really so different to you?

Stigmatization is detrimental to your professional, personal, and emotional growth. It’s high time you stopped standing in your own way.


November 22 – December 21

sagittarius zodiac symbol

While work-life balance is important, there is some merit in melding the two—within reason. You aren’t split straight down the middle, and neither are these aspects of your life. You can have a positive impact on your professional life by incorporating something from your personal life. You’ve reached an impasse, and some fresh perspective should help.

Your friends are your best source of support and inspiration. The best thing for us is our relationships with each other. How can this be applied to professional development?


December 21 – January 20

capricorn zodiac symbol

Although you might think that you are a conscious over-thinker and an optimist, your subconscious is the one who has you beat. Whether or not you’ve realized it, you’ve been letting the past dictate your present reality. These formative memories were etched into your subconscious back then. All these years later, they’re still pouring fresh concrete, reaffirming your insecurities and doubts.

Your challenge this week is identifying the mental obstacles that keep you moving forward. You’re doomed to repeat the past if you never step out of it.


January 20 – February 18

aquarius zodiac symbol

Aquarius, your struggle with the mundane continues. Though you crave a shake-up, that isn’t what’s best for you right now. The stars are aligned in your favor, but they’re aligned Their way—not yours. It is a constant lesson to learn to follow the flow.

Life is a series ebbs, flows. Right now, you’re in an ebb. You can’t have one without the others. So, trust the process and know that you’ll be better off in the long run for it.


February 18 – March 20

pisces zodiac symbol

Jupiter and Mercury offered clarity last week. Now, it’s time to figure out what you’re going to do with it. Reflect on your work and daily life. What isn’t serving you anymore? Don’t just gloss over the details; pause, and consider how your body emotionally and physically reacts to these things.

Figuring out what’s wrong is the easy part, Pisces. Prepare to take on the next challenge: fixing it.

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