People’s jaws drop when I tell them my real age – they think I’m 30 but I’ve already been sent my OAP parking permit


Unbelievable, a man who looks nowhere near 60 received an OAP permit.

Nil Marino from Florianopolis in the state of Santa Catarina in Brazil took to social media to post the moment that the special permit was delivered.

A 60-year-old man has left people baffled over his age


The age of this 60-year-old has people in a state of confusionNewsflash
Nil has got his OAP parking permit, but people say he looks closer to 30


Nil got his OAP permit but some people think he is closer to 30.Newsflash
People thought Nil could be pranking people his age


Nil was thought to be playing pranks on people of his ageNewsflash

In a black pair of shorts and holding the paper with one hand, he showed off his tattooed chest and chiseled abs.

Pointing towards it, he smiled and shrugged before writing: “And you are using a vacancy for the elderly?

“Logic! 60 years.”

He also revealed in his caption that he practices callisthenics, which is body-based exercise for weightlifting.

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This video is already over 8 million times viewed and people are flocking in to comment to let us know what they think.

“Mercy and he is 60 looking 20 and I am 32 looking 86, this world is really lost,” one person wrote.

Another said: “I can’t believe this guy is 60 years old! Was it an elaborate prank? It’s a prank! He looks 30 years old but has a body that is 20 years old. There’s even full hair…. Lol”.

While a third added: “60 is the new 30!!! Congratulations, caba! Health! Take care always and God bless”.

Nil revealed his 60th birthday was on August 12, when he posted a message saying: “Sixty! Accepting all of life’s phases, joys, and sorrows is the best thing.

I want to live a life of lightness and simplicity, while still having big dreams.

The size of your faith will determine whether or not you achieve the dreams that you have.

Despite his salt and pepper hair, he doesn’t appear to have a single wrinkle and people have been left in awe of him.

Nil disclosed the details of his fitness regimen that he follows to stay in shape.

He confessed: “I just do five sit-ups a week, at home. Five reps out of 100. Five times per week, I also do strength-training in the afternoon.

Every day I either walk or ride my bike.”

One woman’s secrets for reversing ageing has been revealed.

Another person shared an easy 6p trick to get rid of wrinkles. It only takes seconds.

Nil said he does situps and weight training


Nil says he exercises with weights and situpsNewsflash


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