People are making jewellery out of semen


It is possible to turn your own semen into jewelry, and it is becoming a very disturbing reality.

Amanda Booth, a jeweller and sculptor, spoke to ViceAbout clients who have ordered the “jizzy jewellery.”

She explained that clients would send her samples of cum to her workshop. These are then dried, ground, and made into clay beads or trinkets.

“We process them at the end of the day. Otherwise, we’re sitting in the smell all day, and it’s just… We did it in the morning one day, and it was just like, ‘No, I’m never doing that again,'”Booth spoke to the outlet.

Booth started her jewellery business in 2021. She makes trinkets and wearable sculptures from people’s bodily fluids, and ashes.

You can think of cremated remains of pets and loved ones, breastmilk, fur, and locks and hair as examples.

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A TikTok user asked her if she’d ever used the internet and she replied that she hadn’t. “man juices”Vice observed that Booth posted a half-joking Facebook status about the creation of the jewellery. “jizzy jewellery”- And she began to receive serious orders for it.

Booth first tested the process with Jesse Mullin, her husband, to determine how cum much it would take to make a sculpture. “at least a teaspoon”This fluid creates the perfect clay.

She also noted that the to-cum ratio was important (but not too much, so the better), and whether the polymer ceramic would be able to withstand baking in an oven.

“It turned out fantastic,”She spoke to the outlet.

The video was shared on TikTok and went viral.

Booth’s customers often commission the jewellery to kinks.

Vice was informed anonymously by Booth that Booth’s client had told Vice she and her long-term partner were “loosely part of the BDSM community”Bracelets that can be used as wristbands “collars,”Or other jewelry that symbolises a consensually possessive partnership.

“After researching further into the Jizzy Jewelry shop, we both thought it would be the ultimate ‘you are mine’ type ‘collar’… It would be our little secret and inside joke,”She spoke to the outlet.

Booth’s TikTok videos viewers have been sharing their curiosity with the comments. They also poke fun at the liquid passion that has become jewellery.

One person wrote: “I’m carrying your love with meee.”

“Oh my god, I love your bracelet. What is it?” “My unborn children,”Another one.

The third author wrote: “Imagine complimenting someone’s jewelry, and they say ‘thanks, it’s cuhm.'”

Someone else added: “Imagine 75 years from now finding a necklace at goodwill and not knowing it has this in it.”

It is legal to send semen internationally.

Booth is located in Canada and many of her clients reside in the US.

To prevent any spillages, she only requires that prospective customers seal their goods in a container.

Cum is said to have captured many people’s imaginations over the years.

According to a Psychology Today Report: A study has shown that semen may have antidepressant properties. Some believe it can help relieve stress.

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