Palma Pictures kickstarts an investment round


EXCLUSIVESpain-based TheCrownNight ManagerPalma Pictures, a production company that recently entered the original drama industry, has initiated an investment round to help it grow.

Moore Kingston Smith Corporate Finance has been appointed by Palma to raise an undisclosed amount from the market for content and other assets.

Mike Day, CEO said: “Having successfully navigated the challenges of the pandemic, now feels like the right time to take advantage of the burgeoning spend across the content creation and advertising sectors, as we look to accelerate our growth with this next step in our evolution.”

Deadline exclusively reported last month that Spanish production services company was entering the original drama market. They have a variety of projects under development, including a TV adaptation West End comedy show.String vs Spittawritten by BBC1’s Ghostsstar Kiell SmithBynoe

Palma was established in 1993 by Ola and Grete Holmgren. The Crown TheNight ManagerLove Island The purpose-built Mediterranean Production Centre employs 45 people.

It is led by Day, Trent Walton and Paul Abrey.


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