Overweight kids face higher risk of dementia in old age, study reveals


OVERWEIGHT children face a higher risk of dementia in old age, a study shows.

Scientists tracked 1,244 people for 30 years from school to middle age.

Those who were chunkier or unfit between seven and 15 fared worse on brain tests in their forties


Those who were chunkier or unfit between seven and 15 fared worse on brain tests in their fortiesCredit: Alamy

They found those who were chunkier or unfit between seven and 15 fared worse on brain tests in their forties.

The lower scores could make them more likely to develop dementia later.

Lead author Professor Michele Callisaya, from Monash University, in Australia, said: “Protective strategies against future decline may need to start as far back as early childhood.”

Dr Sara Imarisio, head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “For most of us, our risk of dementia comes down to a complex mix of our genes, lifestyle and age.

“While experts believe middle age is a key time for us to take action to reduce our dementia risk, some aspects of childhood may also influence the long-term health of our brains.

“It’s never too early or too late in life to take steps to support our brain health.”

Swerve pills says top doc

By Nick McDermott

GPs must avoid prescribing “a pill for every ill” the nation’s top doctor warned — as too many patients are harmed by needless drugs.

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, national medical director for the NHS in England, said cutting overprescribing is “more important than ever”.

It comes as campaigners warn one in ten drugs given by GPs are unnecessary and potentially harmful.

Speaking at the NHS ConfedExpo in Liverpool, Prof Powis said: “Cutting unnecessary prescriptions could also save millions of pounds which could be reinvested into care.”

England’s prescribing bill is hitting £9.7billion a year. Around 15 per cent of adults — over eight million people — take five or more prescribed drugs.


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