Netflix Plans To Crack Down On Users For Sharing Account Credentials


Netflix, the notable streaming giant is all set to take a crackdown as the users are sharing the password. The notable executives of the streaming giant met for an interview where they had discussed the quarter three earnings of 2019. Greg Peter, the CPO of Netflix said that the streaming giant is going to monitor the situation.

The recent comment from Greg Peters hints that Netflix will soon look at the way so that it can eliminate the entire fiasco of related to password sharing. Peters has quickly clarified that they would deal with the situation by not alienating the existing user base of their ecosystem.

According to Peters, people behind Netflix will come up with some of the consumer-friendly ways of pushing a new transformation. They currently do not have any plans to counter the password sharing scenario among the users. However, they will try something very different for dealing with this.

What is Netflix’s next step?

One of the media outlets, has reportedly contacted Netflix and asked for his comment about the same. However, Peter’s recent statement has been reiterated. As of now, only four distinctive devices at a single time. However, there is a significant number of users have full control over their account. Hence, they share their accounts and passwords.

By the looks of it, Netflix isn’t the first-ever streaming service to initiate a crackdown on its users for sharing their account credentials with friends and family members. Spotify has already started to implement changes such as these because the listeners were using the Family Subscription which is a premium option.


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