Natasha Owens Dropped “The Chosen One” – Emotive Ballad Reflects on Trump’s Presidency


Trump Supporter Natasha Owens Releases Song Comparing Trump to Jesus

Natasha Owens, a country singer and self-proclaimed devoted Christian, has released a new song titled “The Chosen One,” where she compares Donald Trump to religious figures such as Jesus and God. Despite her disclaimer that she does not believe Trump is divine, the song has garnered attention from Trump fanatics who praise it, while critics mock it.

The Controversial “The Chosen One” Song

In the song, Owens sings about Trump being “The Chosen One” and highlights his imperfections, referring to him as an “imperfect” person who sometimes gets into trouble. The chorus emphasizes her unwavering support for Trump, depicting him as a human who, like everyone else, makes mistakes. The question remains: will this song sway any new Trump supporters to her cause?

Appealing to Emotions Over Facts

Owens’ song does not rely on policy or facts to make a case for Trump. Instead, she seeks to humanize him and evoke empathy from listeners. The narrative portrays Trump as a relatable figure who will lead America to a prosperous future, despite the skepticism from those not already convinced by his persona.

The Proliferation of Trump-Inspired Music

While Owens’ song is the latest addition to a growing body of music inspired by Trump, it certainly is not the only one. From “Trump Won” to “Real Women Vote for Trump,” these songs reflect the diversity of opinions surrounding the former President. Despite their catchy tunes, they are often criticized for lacking factual basis and contributing to a polarized political landscape.

Closing Thoughts on Trump-Inspired Songs
While these songs may entertain some, they also serve as a reminder of the deep political divisions in society. As artists continue to express their views through music, it is essential to critically evaluate the messages and narratives they promote. Ultimately, music should inspire, provoke thought, and encourage empathy, rather than further dividing an already fractured society.


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