Nasa warns of massive asteroid that could be as large as four football fields and will soon pass Earth in a ‘close encounter’


A QUARTOFIELD-SIZED ASTEROID has begun to travel the minimum distance to Earth from an object as large as four football fields.

The Asteroid 349068 (2006 YT13)Tonight, you will be able to slice through the Earth at speeds exceeding 50,000 miles an hour.

The asteroid is about one-third of a mile wide


About one-third of an acre is the asteroid’s widthCredit: Getty Images – Getty

The asteroid will sail past Earth at 10:42PM tonight, according to data posted by Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

The space rock is bigger than any other asteroids that pass so close to Earth.

The asteroid measures approximately 1600 feet in circumference and is five times larger than the Statue of Liberty.

Earth will be passed by 349068 (2006-YT13) at just over 4 million miles.

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It was classified as “potentially hazardous”It was supposed to be within 4.65 million mile of Earth. However, 349068 (2006YT13), is not a threat to our planet.

The asteroid was first observed in 2006, but Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Lab calculated that the rock has passed Earth 28 times since 1900.

Data from Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Lab shows that an asteroid of this magnitude comes within a year of Earth.

The European Space Agency maintains a list containing asteroids and calculates their likelihood of striking Earth.

Nearly 1,400 asteroids are found on the “risk list“.

ForbesIt was reported that an asteroid twice the diameter of 349068 (2006YT13) has a chance of connecting to Earth in 2880.

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After making its close approach tonight (2006 YT13), 349068 will be able to glide towards space.

In August 2025, the asteroid will pass Earth.


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