Mother was furious after the previous owners refused to let her go.


Mother was furious after the previous owners refused to let her go.

You should have a great time moving into your new home.

The culmination of all the sweat, tears, and hard work is the moment you finally walk through the doors to make a new home.

So you can imagine the frustration of this mother when she showed up at her new home, ready to move in, and encountered the old owners still living on the property—and refusing to leave.

In a thread, the eager new homeowner shared her experiences. MumsnetAlthough it was originally published, it was later deleted to protect privacy.

She described on the site the moments leading to her move-in. “Completed at 2pm. No keys. Agents frantically calling vendors. They are still packing the van.”

She then said that both the agent and solicitor explicitly explained to the squatters that “they do not own the property anymore and are now breaking the law.” After an hour and a half, the mother shared that the old owners finally dropped off the keys with the agent.

“Phew, we think, they are all gone,” the woman wrote, adding: “So we pick up the keys and drive to the property – they are still there and the house is still full. I mean full – could still see paintings on the wall in the lounge, hallway and kitchen filled with boxes, appliances.”

“Get a sob story of how they have been at work all day (completion date hardly comes as a f****** surprise, maybe take the day off as we did?),” the frustrated new homeowner shared.

It’s doubtful anyone would know the right thing to do or say at the moment but the woman said that both she and her husband plainly told the family that they “no longer own the property”They could. “legally walk in and lock the doors,” which—to their surprise— the family shockingly responded, “you couldn’t.”

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“I don’t know what planet some people live on,”The mother wrote about the exchange.

“I didn’t go in and lock the doors, I’m not that much of a p***k even though it’s now my property and they are trespassing,” adding that her 15-month-old baby was “knackered in the back of the car.”

After contacting both her agent and solicitor, she returned back to her old home for the night to wait it out.

“I’m so p***** off. We’ve had a really awful few months, I’ve got a close relative in hospital, I’ve been fighting for a diagnosis for them, I’ve been ill myself,” she added.

There’s a lot to be done here, and there are shockingly mixed reactions from the comment section.

“Your solicitor needs to charge them. It is outrageous. Some people have no class,” read one comment while another said: “Maybe extend a little patience. They’re obviously very behind.”

One user even suggested helping the family pack up their things.

“Personally seeing as I’d booked a day off work anyway, I’d have helped them pack up if it was going to facilitate my moving in quicker. It’s the nice thing to do.”


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