Meghan Markle news – Prince Harry & Meg ‘may be forced into part-time long distance relationship as priorities change’


A ROYAL expert predicts Harry will split his time between London & the US – creating a part-time, long-distance relationship with Meghan.

Former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown said theDukeandDuchess of Sussex’s departure from the Royal Family was “a disaster all around”.

Brown said she believes Prince Harry may want to make a sensational return to the Royal Family after the Queen’s death.

She believes the Duke would split his time between Britain and the US – though Meghan would be unlikely to be fully on board.

Speaking during an appearance on New York Times podcast Sway, she said: “I actually think there is a Harry-shaped hole in the royal family now. And Harry was beloved, actually, by the British people. And people adored Meghan when she came into the mix.

‘So it was actually very, very sad for everybody that it went so wrong because they actually need Harry and Meghan now. You should see, the Queen is failing, and she’s very frail.

“They kind of need Harry and Meghan to bring that star power and to be on the balcony at the Jubilee. We have to have a royal family up there. We can’t have Andrew up there.”

Ms Brown added: “‘I think that Harry is going to want to come back when the Queen dies to serve his country. And I think they will find a way to reel him in.

“And it’s possible that Meghan – maybe they will have a commuter arrangement. I don’t know. I don’t see Meghan ever wanting to go back. She disliked England.’

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