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Meghan ‘has never liked’ Camilla

Royal expert Tom Bower reckons the two duchesses have never seen to eye to eye as they are “poles apart” in every aspect of their lives.

He believes when their paths inevitably crossed while the Sussexes still called the UK home, they had next to nothing to talk about.

Mr Bower said: “It is believed that she has never liked Camilla, and I am sure the feelings are reciprocated.

“The two women are only united in their visceral suspicion of the media, their fondness of relationships with men and their enjoyment of parties.

“But otherwise, they are poles apart.”

Part of the reason could be down to Prince Harry still blaming her for “wrecking his parents’ marriage” – but the two women are also different in almost every way imaginable, Mr Bower said.

He continued: “Camilla epitomises the best and — perhaps — the worst characteristics of a practical, solid English upper middle-class woman.

“Under-educated, expert as a horsewoman, a poor cook, keen to do good with lots of old friends, she is grounded and not grand.

“As is customary in her circle, she is a no-nonsense, self-deprecating, plain speaker with a good sense of humour but critically, when necessary, displays a stiff upper-lip.

“As expected, the difference between the Cotswolds and California means that Meghan is in every way the complete opposite.

“As a pace-setting, politically correct woke feminist, a supporter of Black Lives Matter, Meghan has nothing to talk about with Camilla.”


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