Me too. International CEO: Its Work isn’t centered in the Movement’s “Gotcha Mentality”


Office With a View: Dani Ayers says that while #MeToo is perhaps best known for taking sexual assaulters down, the organization’s focus is on the victim

Tarana Burke, a survivor of sexual assault and activist, had created the hashtag more than a decade ago and quietly founded it. “me too”Movement to support survivors of sexual abuse, especially Black girls or women, heal. When “Me Too”In 2017, the cause and Burke exploded into public consciousness. This prompted Burke to create the nonprofit me also. Just two years later, International.

“Our work is very much about the basic need for safety,”Dani Ayers, CEO at metoo. International, told for this week’s edition of Office With a View. “It’s not about taking down powerful men or canceling people, right? These are all the things that you hear about the movement.”


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