Mariah Carey was criticized for trying to trademark ‘Queen Of Christmas’


Mariah Carey has one of the best selling Christmas songs of all time, but now she wants to trademark the title “The Queen of Christmas,” so no one else can use it.

And that’s not sitting well with some singers of other holiday hits.

Darlene Love was given the title “Queen of Christmas” by David Letterman. She sang her hit song “Baby Please Come Home” on his late night talk show every Dec. 25 for 28 years.

“I’ve earned it. If Mariah has a problem, call David or my lawyer!!” Love wrote on Facebook.

Singer Elizabeth Chan also may have a claim to the “throne.” She’s released 11 Christmas albums, including — yep —“The Queen of Christmas.”

“The problem is that there are many queens of Christmases that have come way before her, way before me. And there will be many queens of Christmases after me,” Chan said.

Legal experts say the “All I Want for Christmas Is You” singer is unlikely to succeed.

“Christmas is something you can’t really trademark. ‘Queen of Christmas’ is sort of vague. This is likely to be a legal loser for her,”Royal Oakes, a legal analyst, said.

Carey revealed that she doesn’t consider her to be the Queen of Christmas when she spoke out last December. She claims that this title belongs only to Mary, the mother Jesus Christ.


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