Mama slams husband for wanting her five-year old to fly on their own – everyone else is saying the exact same thing


MUM BADLY HURTED her husband for trying to fly their five-year-old son by himself.

She said that her husband had taken their son skiing to Aspen with some of his friends.

The dad said their 5-year-old should be able to fly long-haul by himself


According to the dad, their 5-year old should be able and willing to fly long distances by himself.Credit: Getty

But he had to fly to Singapore on a business trip and wanted to return home with their son. The flight took more than 11hrs.

She Reddit explanation“A few days before they were due to return home, he called me to inform me that he needed to go to Singapore to attend a meeting and that he would fly his son to me.

“I was in Paris and they were in Aspen so it isn’t exactly a short trip so I told him no as it was too long for him to be without one of us.

“He tried to convince me to agree as he would make sure he was on the plane and the crew would look after him during the flight and then I would be there when he landed but I told him I didn’t like the idea at all and he needed to fly with him or take him to Singapore with him.”

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She claimed that they had an a “long heated discussion”And the dad was able to join him on the flight towards Paris.

She ended her question by asking him if he was wrong. “snide comment about how ridiculous”It was.

Reddit users disagreed with the father and claimed that their son was too young for a solo flight.

One person said: “That is waaay too long of a flight for a 5-year-old to do alone.”

Another agreement: “Your husband had unrealistic expectations with his demand and has no right to be upset.”

The third was added: “I don’t even care how long the flight was, you don’t send a 5-year-old by themselves on ANY kind of flight.”

Other passengers shared their stories about young children on flights. “I flew from Paris to Canada several years ago, and my seatmate at the time was a six-year-old girl who was not accompanied.

“She was lovely and better behaved than some adults but I still ended up being thrust into the parenting role for her because there was a lot that she needed help with.”

Another person said that they started flying cross-country alone at 5 years old. They flew it 2-3 times per year. I was assigned an attendant who checked on my every move.

“That said, I wouldn’t let my daughter do it now. I don’t feel like the same care and attention is given.”

A mother explains why she chose to take one of her children with her on holiday, while leaving the other at home. It was the best thing that she has ever done.

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Another mum divided opinion after she explained why she only ever takes one of her kids on holiday at a time.

And one mum asked if she was in the wrong to be planning a holiday with her newborn – leaving her older child and husband behind.

Everyone was on her side, saying five years old is too young to fly on a long-haul flight


Everyone agreed with her, saying that five-year-olds are too young to fly long-haul.Credit: Alamy


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