Lockdown fears are sparked after Brits warn that they are’ready for restrictions’ in the event of a new variant.


Experts claim that BRITS should be prepared for new coronavirus restrictions if a variant is discovered.

However, the variant, known scientifically as B.1.1.529, is not yet confirmed in the UK.

Experts have warned that Brits could face fresh lockdown restrictions due to a new variant discovery


Experts warn that Brits could be subject to new restrictions in the wake of a new variant being discoveredCredit: LNP

It is the most evolved so far with 32 mutations, and could be worse than Delta, experts have warned.

The variant has only been found in five countries so far – but its power has sparked a sudden ban on flights from six nations to the UK.

Professor Adam Finn, a member the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations (JCVI), stated that more information needs to be discovered about the new variant.

Prof Finn spoke on Good Morning Britain today, saying that the virus needs to be evaluated in terms of its risk and that restrictions cannot be ruled out.

Since the summer of 2011, Britain has been virtually unrestricted since that time.

Last winter, Tiers were established to prevent the spread and many Brits couldn’t celebrate Christmas with their loved ones because of restrictions.

Professor Finn said: “On the one hand, I don’t want to induce unnecessary anxiety in people, but on the other hand, I think we all need to be ready for the possibility of a change in the restrictions.”

He stated that it was difficult to know if the new variant would have an impact on Christmas plans for Brits.

Prof Finn suggested that South Africa’s surge in cases could be due to the variant’s transmissibility.

“We now need to wait and see just what kind of threat this new variant may pose.

“If we’re lucky, it won’t be a serious one, but it could be very serious”, he added.

A spokesperson for No10 stated that the company has no plans to stop making these statements. “nothing in our current data to suggest that we need to move to Plan B”.

Professor Lawrence Young said: “This new variant is currently detected at relatively low levels in parts of South Africa but it looks like it’s spreading rapidly.

“It’s clear from the concerns about this variant and from what’s going on in other parts of Europe that we need to be cautious in the run up to Christmas.

“Increasing the uptake of vaccines, encouraging more widespread use of face coverings and restricting large gatherings in poorly ventilated spaces are important approaches to protect the population, ensure that health services are not overwhelmed and that Christmas festivities are not disrupted.”

Plan B would include restrictions like mandatory face masks or working from home orders.

The UK is currently performing sequences to find out if any cases were imported from South Africa.

“There are a number of things going on now to understand this, to look for it, to trace it, to hopefully stamp it out if it is already here,”He stated.

Due to the discovery of this variant, South Africa is among six other countries that have red list restrictions.

Sajid Javid, Health Secretary, said that flights from South Africa and Namibia as well Botswana (Eswatini), Botswana, Lesotho, Botswana, and Eswatini will be suspended at noon today. The red list will include all six countries.

Javid claimed that South Africa has identified a new variant. “may be more transmissible”Added to the Delta strain “the vaccines that we currently have may be less effective”.

Professor Devi Sridhar, who spoke this morning on Good Morning Britain, said that mutations will continue as long the virus is able to circulate around the globe.

“At some point, one of these mutations will have an advantage and be more transmissible than we have seen with Alpha or Delta.

“It’s to be expected and people shouldn’t be worried, we will continue to hear about variants.”

She mentioned that the World Health Organisation is holding a meeting today to discuss the variant and give recommendations to governments.

“I think you’re going to see many countries going the same way as Britain , saying we aren’t going to watch and wait like we have in the past. We have a booster programme that has been successful – so why don’t we hold onto the progress we have and limit travel to those places it could be imported from”She added.

Dr Susan Hopkins, UK’s health chief, warns that a new variant with double Delta mutations is “most worrying” and could weaken vaccinations

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