Leak reveals the identity of a new superhero who will join Marvel’s Avengers


Moon KnightMarvel took great care to eliminate any Easter eggs that could have linked the character and the story with the Avengers. This MCU TV series is unlike any other. Marvel provided us with a clear idea of the plot by only including certain details. Moon KnightTimeline and provided a key hint about the Multiverse Saga’s big villain.

Story aside Moon Knight stands out for Oscar Isaac’s memorable performance playing several characters cohabitating the same troubled mind. This is enough reason to buy a Moon KnightAccording to rumors, season 2 will be the second. But a Marvel insider claims that the next time we see Moon Knight in action, he’ll be part of the Avengers.

Before we explain it, let’s first make sure you know what it means. Below are some spoilers that could be significant.

Titles for Rumored MCU Phase 6

We can’t get to the insider’s Moon Knight claims before reminding you of a few massive MCU leaks that we covered recently. That’s because both concern Moon Knight and the Avengers. They also provide an unconfirmed timeline for MCU releases.

First, a source shared Phase 6 and 7 MCU titles with mods on a popular Marvel spoilers forum. We are reminded that Marvel only gave us four Phase 6 titles. The official Phase 7 title is not even officially recognized by Marvel, who only covered the MCU up to the end of Phase 6. Secret Wars with Avengers.

These are the entries from Phase 6 in the leak, but they are only Kang DynastyIs a MCU project that has been confirmed:

  • Spring 2025 – Midnight Sons (Series)
  • Spring 2025 – Moon Knight Season 2 (Series)
  • May 2025 – Avengers: The Kang Dynasty | Announced
Moon Knight is coming to Disney Plus in March.
A scene from Moon Knight is available on Disney Plus. Image source: MARZ VFX/Marvel

Avengers: The Kang DynastyLeakage of plot

If the leak is true, Moon Knight might return in 2025. Midnight SonsThis would be a similar team-up project to the Avengers in which the superhero might turn up. And Moon Knight season 2 needs no explanation.

As for The Kang DynastyAnother source posted extensive plot leaks for Avengers 5This book contains details about the Moon Knight.

According to the leak, Moon Knight will join Blade (Mahershala Ai), Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen), Jack (TBD), and fight Rama-Tut(TBD). This is a Kang (Jonathan Majors), variant. Moon KnightSeason 1 teased already

This leak also claims that Moon Knight will be part of the Midnight Sons team, and that’s how he ends up in Kang Dynasty.

Moon Knight Super Bowl Trailer
Moon Knight in the Super Bowl Trailer Image source: Marvel Studios

When will Moon Knight become an Avengers member?

YouTuber Grace RandolphAccording to her, she was told that Moon Knight will be an Avenger next time he appears. This implies that Moon Knight season 2 can’t hit Disney PlusBefore Kang Dynasty.

Randolph has been responsible for several MCU leaks that were accurate in the past.

Another reason is that Moon Knight will be recruited to the Avengers team by someone well before season 2 of Season 2. Kang Dynasty. We hear rumors that the new Captain America (Anthony Mackie), will start his own Avengers team. New World Order.

That’s not to say it’ll be Sam Wilson who recruits Moon Knight. His fate is not certain.

Randolph stated that she heard a specific person. “really wanted Moon Knight”to be in their Avengers scenes. She didn’t identify the actor or actress who might want Oscar Isaac on the team.

We’ll also note that Randolph’s claims and the Reddit leaks do not have to confirm each other. Randolph provided accurate information previously about the MCU. However, the Reddit leaks are from unverified sources.

That said, we can’t wait for Marvel to finally connect Moon Knight to the Avengers after season 1 tried so hard to avoid any Avengers references.

More Marvel coverage: For more MCU news, visit our Marvel guide.


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