Lawyer: Alec Baldwin’s Surprise Settlement Shows That Criminal Investigation is Worse Than We Think


Lawyer: Alec Baldwin's Surprise Settlement Shows That Criminal Investigation is Worse Than We Think

Although the civil case against Alec Baldwin has been closed, the family of Halyna Huffchins and Alec Baldwin have reached a financial settlement. However, New Mexico could still press charges against Baldwin. Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer provides an exclusive written commentary Joshua Ritter, — a partner with Werksman Jackson & Quinn LLP and a former Los Angeles County prosecutor — the lawyer noted that it’s actually “bizarre”It was so quick that the wrongful-death case was settled.

“Typically, a civil case will wait in the wings until a criminal case has been resolved,” Ritter explained. “This move could indicate that the producers and Baldwin realized that criminal allegations are forthcoming, given the recent request by the district attorney for funding in regard to this case, and they thought they needed to make an early settlement to get out now before things get worse.”He said, “It could also indicate that the plaintiffs’ team got wind that the charges are not going to be what they expected and they decided it’s better for them strategically to settle this now.”

A spokesperson for the New Mexico District Attorney’s Office confirmed the news shortly after Matthew Hutchins made the announcement. Fox NewsMatthew’s Settlement will be “no impact”Baldwin’s criminal record. “The prosecutor … [is] only trying to decide if a crime was committed, and if they can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt,”Ritter created. “If the answer to both of those questions is ‘yes,’ they will likely bring criminal charges.”


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