Kelly Clarkson Allegedly Keeping Track Of Ex-Husband’s Dating Life And Finances Amid Messy Split, Anonymous Source Says


Is Kelly Clarkson stalking Brandon Blackstock? One report says the American Idol winner is tracking her ex-husband’s love life and finances. Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Kelly & Brandon’s Twisted Games’

According to Life & Style, Clarkson is keeping tabs on Blackstock’s every move. While their divorce is finalized, she hasn’t let him go quite yet. “She’s got her informers telling her what’s going on with Brandon—who he’s dating, what he’s spending—and he’s got snitches spying on Kelly, too” a source reveals.

The two are reportedly both super paranoid about one another. Blackstock recently asked Clarkson through the courts to turn off the security cameras at their Montana ranch for the remainder of his stay. An insider concludes, “Friends think they just need to move on because this isn’t good for anybody.”

Has Kelly Clarkson Moved On?

This story gets the basic facts of this story wrong. It’s not “their” Montana Ranch. It is Kelly Clarkson’s after all, as she won it in the divorce. Blackstock is allowed to rent it at a premium through the month of May. It’s kind of hard to move on when an ex is still living in your house.

Unless Blackstock tries any funny business again, that should be the end of this part of the saga. It’s true that Blackstock asked for security cameras to be turned off, but court documents did not specify why he asked. This story also fails to mention every camera in question was on the exterior of the property, not the interior.

Life & Style took this nugget of truth, the camera issue, and distorted it into a narrative about Clarkson desperately stalking Blackstock. All Clarkson’s wanted to do for years now is move on. After her divorce was finalized, a source told People, “Kelly is obviously happy to have the divorce finalized … She truly is able to begin the next chapter of her life with her kids, and she’s also busier than ever with her career. She’s in a great place.”

Gossip Cop doesn’t doubt this for a second. Even by Hollywood standards, this has been a rough divorce. It’s preposterous to suggest Clarkson has hired “informers” to track Blackstock’s every move. Without any proof beyond unrelated temporary court requests, this is just a load of hooey.

Clarkson Bashing Is Constant

About one year ago this crummy outlet claimed Clarkson was stress eating over the divorce. It was a transparent attack on her body, Before that, Life & Style ran a cover story about Clarkson regretting the divorce. Obviously, that was not true, or they wouldn’t have dragged it out in court for another two years.

We’ve also seen numerous stories about Clarkson getting revenge on Blackstock by evicting him from a ranch he wasn’t really allowed to live at. It’s very strange why this tabloid would rush to Blackstock’s side in all of this. As the father of her children, Clarkson can never be totally rid of Blackstock. Once June rolls around, however, he’ll leave Montana and that will no doubt make it easier.


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