Keir Starmer’s Latest U-turn Slams ‘Corbyn-style’ Manifestos Despite Prior Praise – The Sun


How Sir Keir Starmer Praises Jeremy Corbyn’s Manifestos While Attacking Tory Plans

Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour chief, had previously praised Jeremy Corbyn’s manifestos, calling them a display of “decency and dignity” during the last election campaign. However, in a surprising turn of events, he criticized the same manifestos by labeling a “Corbyn-style” manifesto as not costed properly. This sudden change in stance raised eyebrows, especially since Sir Keir had supported Corbyn’s election documents as his right-hand man in the past.

Praise for Corbyn’s Manifestos
In a social media video, Sir Keir expressed admiration for the Labour party’s pledges in the previous election, emphasizing the need for “decency and dignity” in politics. He urged the public to read the manifesto and vote for Labour, highlighting the importance of real and ambitious change to address societal inequalities.

U-Turn on Manifestos
However, Sir Keir’s recent comments criticized the lack of costings in a “Corbyn-style” manifesto proposed by the Tories. He claimed that his own upcoming plan, set to launch soon, would be fully costed and free from any tax or insurance increases. This shift in perspective from praising to criticizing the manifestos raised questions about Sir Keir’s consistency in his political views.

Backlash and Criticism
The sudden reversal sparked backlash from various quarters, with critics reminding Sir Keir of his previous support for Corbyn’s manifestos. Former Tory cabinet minister Sir Simon Clarke and ex-Tory MP Michael Fabricant highlighted the contradiction in Sir Keir’s statements, calling out his audacity for criticizing plans he once endorsed. Even left-wing campaigners like the Momentum group criticized Labour’s leader for undermining the 2019 manifesto that was fully costed.

Call for Unity
Amidst the political turmoil, calls for unity within the Labour party emerged, urging Sir Keir to focus on the upcoming election without attacking his own party members. The need for a cohesive and consistent approach to policy-making was emphasized, urging Sir Keir to avoid contradicting his past alliances and endorsements.

In conclusion, Sir Keir Starmer’s conflicting perspectives on Jeremy Corbyn’s manifestos reflect the complexities of political dynamics and the challenges of maintaining credibility in the public eye. As the Labour leader navigates through the upcoming election campaign, reconciling past endorsements with current criticisms will be crucial in winning public trust and support for the party’s future endeavors.


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