Kansas City Cops Save an Infant Girl with RSV who Had Stopped Breathing


Two police officers in Kansas sprang into action to save an infant’s life after the baby who had RSV stopped breathing.

The police arrived prior to EMS at the Kansas City residence and immediately began chest compressions for the baby girl. While her terrified family waited, they waited for any sign that she was breathing again.

They also used back thrusts to accomplish their goals.

“After more repeated back thrusts, we eventually started seeing a lot more movement from the baby, it felt like she was coming to,”Inside Edition: Richard Duchaine, Kansas City Police Officer tells Inside Edition.

The moment she started breathing again was captured by body camera footage.

“She’s breathing now, she’s breathing,” Officer Charles Owen tells the baby’s family as he continues working on her. “Let me see. Open that mouth, come on.”

Duchaine took the baby to the hospital. Duchaine was there to help her recover.


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