Joy Anna Forsyth Just Prove She’s Not Pregnant? Duggar Family Reveals


Rumors about Joy-Anna Forsyth possibly being pregnant have been circulating, and fans are on the lookout for clues. She and her husband Austin currently have two children, Gideon, 3, and Evelyn, 1. In between Gideon and Evelyn, Joy-Anna sadly lost a baby halfway through her pregnancy.

Joy Anna Forsyth Just Prove She's Not Pregnant? Duggar Family Reveals

Right now, the Duggar family has been unusually quiet. Until this weekend, Anna Duggar was the only member of the family known to be pregnant, and she’s due this fall. Over the weekend, Jedidiah and Katey Duggar revealed that they’re expecting their first baby. But other than that, there have been very few courtships, weddings, and baby announcements.

Part of this is likely due to Josh Duggar’s arrest. The eldest Duggar son was arrested earlier this year for the possession of child pornography. This has reportedly torn the family apart. Additionally, the family seems to be laying low, possibly in hopes of limiting the criticism they receive on social media. Some fans think the Duggars might share more announcements around the time of Josh’s trial to distract from the verdict.

Fans often speculate about which Duggar will be pregnant next, and Joy-Anna is one they could see expecting soon enough. But now, Joy-Anna is seemingly shutting down these rumors and providing proof that she doesn’t have a baby on the way.

Joy-Anna Forsyth continues to hint that she’s not expecting.

On social media, Joy-Anna shared a new post, revealing that she trained and competed in a triathlon. In her post, she wrote about the past few months she’s spent training. Then, she added, “And I’m amazed at what the human body is capable of… just a few months ago I couldn’t even swim forward in a pool and was worn out after running for 1 min and here I am doing a triathlon!!”

She shared a few pictures from the triathlon, showing off her toned body. As we also reported, Joy-Anna recently started playing co-ed softball with Austin. This could be another sign she’s not pregnant.

While exercising during pregnancy is generally safe, Joy-Anna may not have the energy to do all of these things if she is pregnant and caring for two little ones at home. In the past, Joy-Anna has been called out for what she decides to do while pregnant, including riding a four-wheeler.

So, do you think this is proof that Joy-Anna Forsyth isn’t pregnant with her third baby? Or do you think there’s still a chance she’s expecting? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.