Jamie Lee Curtis Has A Blunt But Refreshing Take On Aging


Jamie Lee Curtis has been starring in films for the past 45 years. The 64-year-old became a household name after portraying Laurie Strode in the cult classic horror movie Halloween and its various sequels. The scream queen is back on the big screen in Halloween Ends, supposedly the final in the “thrillogy.” However, the actress is promoting more than just her movie in recent interviews.

Finding Creativity As You Age

The actress’s energy, drive, and passion is palpable in a recent Today interview. Curtis doesn’t hold back when discussing current events, her latest movie, and aging. “The success of Halloween 2018 gave me a place to stand as a creative person,” remarked Curtis. “I am a creative person and my motto is, ‘If not now, when? If not me, who?’ And it really kicked in at 60. And now I’m just getting the opportunity to be a maker. I’m a creator. I’m a producer and director. Everything I’ve wanted to do since I was little.”

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Although Curtis is now in her 60s, she doesn’t see her age as an issue. In fact, Curtis has been a pro-aging advocate for years. She has spoken out against ageism and the cultural stigmas that people, particularly women, face as they get older. The actress has even given advice to her daughters about their appearance: “Don’t mess with your face.”

It’s good advice for many of us to heed, even though society still places importance on youthful looks. Turns out, Curtis has even given into the pressures of maintaining a youthful appearance. The celebrity has admitted to having various procedures over the years. But for Curtis, the cosmetic procedures didn’t make her feel better about her appearance. They had just the opposite effect.

Why Cosmetic Procedures Made Curtis Feel Worse

“I did plastic surgery,” the actress shared. “I put Botox in my head. Does Botox make the big wrinkle go away? Yes. But then you look like a plastic figurine.”

She doesn’t want her daughters to follow in her footsteps. Instead, the celebrity is honest with her daughters about her mistakes. “Walk a mile in my shoes,” Curtis said. “I have done it. It did not work. And all I see is people now focusing their life on that.”

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Instead of focusing on their appearance, Curtis advises her children that the most important thing in life is being kind and content with what they’ve contributed to society. “I want them to be satisfied. I want them to feel that what they’re doing matters, that what they’re doing has value.”

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