It’s getting so bad that my neighbours smell, and it’s making it difficult for me to live with them.


A WOMAN shared the story of how she got her job. “horrendous stench”Her neighbor’s house is so awful that she can’t even come from it. “feeling queasy.”

The anonymous woman went to Mumsnet She admitted she could see the “ridiculousness”The issue was not yet out but it was added that it is becoming “unbearable”For her to share her life with.

A woman has told of the "horrendous stench" coming from her neighbour's house. Pictured, stock image


One woman told me about the “horrendous stench”Seeing her neighbor’s house. Pictured, stock photoCredit: Getty

She explained that her neighbours were in their 30s and had just had a baby like her, and she pointed out that their house is attached on her side so the properties are connected.

In her post, she continued: “The houses are very old – ours is having some renovations done, theirs was done several years ago so they’re not doing any work or anything like that.”

There is this horrendous stench from their house and I can’t for the life of me understand what it is…”

I can sense the smell and know when someone’s back door is open. I have racked my brains as to the source but I just can’t think what it could be – it is quite a specific type of smell, kind of musty but sweet.”

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She then went on to explain the smell. “constant”It is something she must bear every time their doors open.

“I don’t think it’s a ‘rotting’ smell but it does make me feel a bit queasy; it’s thick, heavy and smells very very stale,”She said.

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“Sort of sweet but not in a nice way. I wondered if they could be cooking with a certain type of oil or a fryer. I’ve never had one so can’t compare.”

The woman pointed out that she has been in her neighbor’s home on numerous occasions, and explained how it’s a good place to live. “overpowering to be inside.”

She also added: “It’s quite dirty (I don’t mean that as in insult) and their kitchen is on our side of the house; I can smell very strongly when she is cooking with her oven and the smell then is like an oven that’s full of grease and never been cleaned.”

“You know when people have ‘their’ smell in their homes – obviously we all do and they are just that – it’s like theirs is really really intense and something is off with it.”

I don’t know if the smell is related to the oven; I have mentioned to her before that I can smell her oven and she did try and improve that but I just am at my wits end with it & don’t know what to do!”

The woman concluded by admitting she has been having an affair. “horrible thoughts”That they will all end up in a Netflix documentary discussing something in 20 years. “very sinister.”

Soon, social forum users began to post in the comments to discuss the unpleasant revelation. Many had their own opinions on what the smell might be.

“Deep fat fryer with old oil in it. The smell permeates everything,”I wrote one.

A second comment: “Sounds like the smell of spilled/sicked up baby formula to me. When I was younger, I always associated that smell with homes with new babies.”

A third option is: “Mice?”

Another person asked the same question: “Can you not get an invitation indoors and do a bit of investigating?”

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Then, a third added: “Mmm…I don’t understand.” I don’t believe your described Weed. Only a grimy, dirty house. It must be er!

This is something I could not handle. I’m so sensitive to smells, it would make my sick. I don’t know what I should do.


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