Insider Says Brad Pitt’s ‘Hatred’Toward Angelina Jolie Leads To Winery Battle But Not So Fast


Insider Says Brad Pitt’s ‘Hatred’Toward Angelina Jolie Leads To Winery Battle But Not So Fast

Along with Angelina Jolie’s ongoing divorce drama, Brad Pitt’s custody issues, and other disputes, the couple continue to fight over a French winery they bought together when they first began dating. In essence, Jolie sold off her share of the business just recently to the wine division of the Stoli group, which prompted Pitt to later sue her for what he views as an unlawful sale. New developments have since arisen in the winery battle, including one insider making claims that Pitt’s “hatred”The root of the problem is here. But not so fast – because a different reasoning altogether has been offered.

Reporting by Page SixThe MaleficentThe actress and her legal team subpoenaed documents relating to Chateau Miravel vineyard from Brad Pitt and his Mondo Bongo holding firm. And despite Pitt’s staunch opposition, a judge in the case ruled in the former’s favor. The documents in question must now be handed to her counsel.

It’s obviously a significant boon for Angelina Jolie, while also marking a major setback in her ex’s case. Technically, he owns 50% of the winery even with Jolie’s share gone but, as a result, he’s beholden to outsiders’ opinions. However, a source that reportedly comes from Jolie’s business team alleges that the 58-year-old, two-time Oscar winner – who recently followed Harry Styles’ lead by donning a skirt for the red carpets – is so consumed by the bad blood in their marital history that he refuses to see the opportunity on the table. They shared the following:

Stoli would make any rational human being happy. [be a partner in their business. They have top-notch marketing and distribution. He just can’t see past his hatred of Jolie.

Nevertheless, a source for Brad Pitt alleges that the opposite is true – that he is looking at the business side of things and, to him, it doesn’t look so good. Evidently, the star had even turned down an offer from Stoli in the past and was looking to potentially buy his ex’s share himself. Supposedly, he’s not looking for a better distribution company in the long-term but ways to increase the property’s value, especially for the sake of their six kids’ futures. That source stated:

The best way to retain value for [their kids]It is up to the parents to keep full ownership of this growing and valuable asset.

However, whatever the truth of the matter may be, it is all about his feelings for his former. Mr. and Mrs. Smith co-star, it’s clear that the Bullet TrainActor is determined to see it through, no matter what. He’s reportedly still going to appeal the judge’s recent ruling about the documents, even though Angelina Jolie will already have them in hand.

According to reports, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were trying to revive an iconic recording studio that was once home to the likes WHAM and Pink Floyd. Although, with a new partner in the mix, Pitt doesn’t have the total freedom he once had to do as he likes, including actually living on the estate. Initial alarm was raised by some about the possibility of an involvement by a Russian billionaire. Said person has ties to his motherland’s controversial government, and there was concern with him being associated with the group that bought Angelina Jolie’s share. He does not own Stoli but rumors of his allegiance to the government have since been dispelled.

Record studios, court battles and alleged Russian moguls. It appears that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s personal woes of late have certainly taken some interesting turns, and the end may not be in sight just yet. You can follow the star’s progress with the 2022 movie schedule.


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