Inside Suri Cruise’s Close Relationship With Katie Holmes


Inside Suri Cruise's Close Relationship With Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes has taken big measures to hide Suri Cruise away from the public eye. While opening up about some of the strategies she used to ensure Suri had as close to a normal childhood as possible in an interview with InStyle, she said, “We were followed a lot when she was little. I just wanted her outside, so I would walk her around to find parks at, like, 6 in the morning when nobody would see us. But there’s one video where I’m holding her — she was 2 at the time — and she starts waving at the cameras. She’s pretty special.” Given all of the attention that was heaped upon them when Suri was born, it is not too surprising that Holmes has been determined to keep her little one away from public scrutiny.

While many celebrity babies are photographed for a glossy magazine feature the week they arrive, that wasn’t the case for Suri. Holmes and Tom Cruise waited until October 2006 before they introduced their child to the world. Naturally, this move garnered quite a bit of attention — even though, as Holmes and Tom said at the time, they weren’t in a rush to jump back into the spotlight. “I really just wanted to enjoy this precious time with my daughter,” Holmes recalled in Vanity Fair. Tom added, “Actually, we were taking our own photos and always planned to release those at the right time.”


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