Iman Vellani believes that Marvel planted a large Avengers: Endgame leak


Iman Vellani is Marvel’s newest star, having played Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel’s newest star, Iman Vellani, has played Kamala Khan/Ms. Ms. MarvelOn-air TV Show Disney Plus. The actress didn’t just impress us while playing Marvel’s newest teenage superhero. We witnessed her enthusiasm and exuberance for the MCU in real-life. As such, we shouldn’t be surprised to see Vellani reveal that Marvel planted a massive Avengers: Endgame leak before the film’s premiere.

Mind you, if you’re not up to date with the MCU, Some large EndgameSpoilersYou will find the instructions below.

One of the unofficial themes for Phase 4 of MCU is massive plot leaks. Many of the most important Phase 4 projects were leaked before they made their theatrical debuts.

Eternals, Spider-Man has no way home?, and Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of MadnessThese are just a few examples. It’s not just cameos or post-credits scenes that leaked. These films’ entire plots were leaked before they even happened.

The big Avengers: EndgameLeakage

That’s excellent news for MCU fans who love spoilers, but it’s not so great for everyone else. And that makes Marvel’s security around Avengers: EndgameAll the more impressive.

Although there were many leaks, the plot was never fully revealed.

After Avengers: Infinity WarWe expected all the superheroes who had died to come back to life. EndgameThanks to many big leaks. These leaks revealed that many dead heroes were filming scenes. Endgame.

An excerpt from the official Avengers: Endgame poster. Image source: Marvel Studios

Another popular theory was that time travel could be possible. Avengers 4. We expected that the Avengers would somehow travel back in history to save the day. That’s exactly what happened in EndgameIt was a great idea, but we didn’t realize that Marvel would present a completely new perspective on time travel.

Follow these steps to ensure you follow the EndgameWe followed leaks as closely than we did. You may recall all the theories that attempted to explain why the Avengers would defeat Thanos, (Josh Brolin), once and for all.

MCU leaks often include set photos, which are unavoidable no matter how great Marvel’s security might be. We saw images from EndgameIn leaks. One of the images featured an unusual pairing, with Avengers wearing uniforms that we knew would be used to travel through time. The images included Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America, (Chris Evans), and Ant-Man(Paul Rudd), as well as the Hulk and Hulks (Mark Ruffalo).

That’s not the kind of team we saw in the MCU before Endgame. We now know that these heroes traveled back in time to obtain the Infinity Stones.

Iman Vellani and Marvel’s planted leaks

Then, move on to the end. Ms. MarvelWe have Iman Vellani hosting an Ask-Me-Anything Reddit session.

The actress previously confirmed that she was watching subreddits in which Marvel fans post spoilers. And it’s in one of her AMA responses that she revealedAn EndgameLeak: Marvel intentionally planted to fool Avengers fans

r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers is my second home…however I did leave the subreddit for two years during Infinity War/EndgameOne day I noticed the BARF set photo leak. It turned out to have been a complete misdirection of marvel security. They actually planted that! I have great respect for the marvels security team.

Tony Stark demonstrated BARF technology in Captain America Civil War. It allows you to live life-like, 3D memories of past events. BARF can be brought to EndgameIt was implied that time travel speculation could have been wrong at times.

From the set photo leaks, it was clear that the dead heroes were there to capture BARF memories and what-if situations rather than actual time travel.

Avengers: Infinity War - Thanos
Screenshot from Avengers: Infinity War: Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet Image source: Marvel Studios

However, we knew better. We expected Marvel to revive all the dead Avengers, however puzzling the BARF leak may have been. Endgame. We knew time travel was the only option.

Iman Vellani’s remark also confirms what some people might have suspected. Marvel plants leaks. But that’s certainly not surprising from a studio that misleads fans all the time with its trailers.

But how did she find out about the plant’s existence? That’s not something she explained in her AMA.

More Marvel coverage: For more MCU news, visit our Marvel guide.


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