I’m a skin expert and here’s what your different spots mean


You can spend weeks getting excited to go out on the town or with a special someone.

Then suddenly, you find yourself in a difficult situation.

Spots come in different shapes and sizes and the images above show what blackheads, whiteheads and pustules look like


Spots come as different sizes and shapes. The images below show how blackheads, whiteheads, and pustules appear.
You might suffer with papules, nodules or cysts, shown above


Papules, cysts or nodules could be a sign of a condition.

Concealer can be used at all times. Experts have explained the meanings and reasons behind these spots.

Susie Bridgeman Sutton, a specialist in skincare, said to Central Recorder that we first need to understand the two types of acne.

These are both non-inflammatory and can be blackheads or whiteheads.

Susie, who has a lot of expertise in the field. Thunderbird SkinThese types of spots are not likely to cause swelling and can be treated with over-the-counter remedies.

She said that toners and cleansers work best for non-inflammatory acne, of which there are two types: blackheads or whiteheads.


Susie stated that blackheads are a common type or blocked pores.

“When the pores are clogged with an oily substance known as sebum and filled with dead skin cells, they react with oxygen in the air and turn black.

“Hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills etc, can all trigger an excess level of sebum production, and therefore blackheads.

“If you live in a hot country and experience high levels of humidity and sweating, this can also cause your pores to get clogged easier.”

If you cover your pores with heavy makeup or clothing this can result in dead skin cells getting trapped in your skin, which in turn Susie said can form blackheads.

She continued: “Steroid-based drugs such as corticosteroids can result in blackheads or even steroid acne, sometimes you are better off using specialised skincare with non-greasy formulas to help troubled skin.”


These spots are most noticeable and Susie stated that they form when the pores become clogged with oil or dead skin cells.

However, whiteheads have the pores closed up unlike blackheads.

It looks like a tiny bump sticking out of the skin.

“To treat, you want to use soothing natural cleansing bars which can help with the disinfection and drying out of whiteheads.

“Skincare that provides daily natural exfoliation can also help remove impurities and reduce pores.

“Be careful with the skincare products you choose for this, as too much harsh exfoliation can scar your skin and aggravate existing acne”.

Susie explained that inflammatory acne is next. Red, swollen pimples are a good example.

How to avoid spots from forming

Bruce stated that there are eight ways to stop spots from forming.

  1. Wash your face but don’t overdo it – no more than twice a day. Use mild, non-alcoholic cleansing products. Warm water is best. Rinse well with warm water.
  2. Know your skin type. Pimples are more likely to occur in oily skin. For combination skin – find the T – Zone which is the forehead, nose and chin. Use only non-comedogenic products – formulated not to block pores.
  3. A quality moisturiser should have a minimum SPF 30. Look for a shorter ingredient list and avoid perfumed products.
  4. Keep hydrated. Your skin will send signals to your glands to make more oil if you are dehydrated.
  5. Do not use make-up. It’s tempting to cover spots and pimples – don’t. It will block pores and make it worse.
  6. Limit sun exposure. Sun exposure can dehydrate skin, leading to more oil production and blocking pores.
  7. Don’t touch your face. Your face can be infected by surface bacteria and grime. Pimples can lead to bleeding and scarring. It can also cause inflammation and clog pores.
  8. Walking daily and living a healthy lifestyle are two other ways to help. Use a SPF 50 sunscreen that is mineral-based and fragrance-free to protect your skin before you go out on the open.

They can be caused by sebum and dead skin cells, but sometimes bacteria can get in the pores and cause an infection.

Susie said that inflammatory acne is often painful, with itching, peeling, scarring, and burning sensations as a side effect.

She added: “In many cases, those with inflammatory acne may have to visit their dermatologist or GP for additional help.

“However, with soothing, calming, and natural skincare, inflammatory acne can be eradicated or lessened.”

Papules, (Pimples that don’t contain pus!)

Susie stated that papules are caused by the destruction of your pores from severe inflammation.

These are pink, tender bumps that appear on the skin near clogged pores.

“Papules can be caused by inflamed or infected hair follicles, bacteria, excess oil production or male sex hormones known as androgens.

“These pimples typically heal on their own between 3-7 days, but this process can be sped up using oil-reducing cleansing balms that can lift impurities and resurface the skin.

“Weekly face masks with AHA+BHA ingredients are also great for preventing acne from coming back,” Susie explained.

Pustules (Pimples containing pus)

Pustules can be reddish spots filled with pus, with yellow or white heads.

These can form as allergic reactions to food, environmental aggressors, insect bites, hormonal changes, excessive stress or lack of proper nutrition.

Susie advised that face creams with with ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid, Rosehip and Centella can help reduce the appearance of acne, protect the skin barrier and prevent pustules from coming back.

Nodules (acne that is deep beneath the skin)

Chartered Chemist and founder SOS skincareBruce Green explained that nodules can be described as hard lumps that feel hard and are often painful.

He stated that they live under the skin’s skin and are more stubborn than other types, making it more difficult to eradicate them.

Bruce said, “Some people can remain for weeks or months, and may require treatment by a healthcare professional.”

“It’s more common among males born to them and can be caused hormones, stress, anxiety, and certain medications.

“It’s highly likely that scarring will occur with this type of spot.”

Cysts (acne deeper then nodules)

Cysts are the most severe form of acne spot. Bruce stated that cysts are large, pus-filled lumps on the chest or face. They can also appear backwards and forwards.

“They can look similar in appearance to boils and is more likely to form in a person’s teens or early twenties.

Cystic acne is the most likely to cause scarring and emotional distress.

Cystic acne is most commonly caused by hormonal changes or medical conditions.

“Like nodular acne, cystic acne often requires treatment by a healthcare provider,”He added.


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