I’m a fitness expert. There are three bad habits which could make you age faster.


Three bad gym habits could be making you more aging faster, according to a FITNESS expert.

Although consistent exercise is a good idea for everyone, there are some mistakes that could be preventing you from reaching your fitness goals.

A fitness expert has revealed three gym habits that could make you age faster


A fitness expert revealed three habits that can help you age faster in the gymCredit: Getty

People should be able to do a variety of training sessions, including strength training and aerobic exercises.

Your workouts could be affected by how you approach them.

Tim Liu, a fitness and nutrition coach, says that too much training can be harmful to your long-term health.

“Although you want to work hard and push your body to get the most out of your weight training sessions, don’t go overboard!” Liu .

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You need to be able fully to recover in order to get the best out of your workouts.

“There are only so many muscle fibers and motor units you can recruit in a single session, and any more than that turns into ‘junk volume,’ which means you’re accumulating fatigue,”He stated.

You could be tired and stressed if you work too hard.

“When you train too much, your body also produces more cortisol, which is something to avoid at all costs,” Liu said.

Cortisol may cause more stress, which could accelerate the aging process.

“If you’re strength training regularly, three to four working sets in most of your exercises should suffice, and you can incorporate a rest day or two.”

Liu shared another tip for those embarking on a fitness adventure: Don’t overdo HIIT workouts.

“HIIT is an awesome form of exercise,” Liu said.

“You’ll be burning calories at a higher rate when compared to regular cardio, in addition to boosting your metabolism and getting a solid sweat in.”

He said, however, that HIIT can be hard to recover from, just like Liu’s advice.

“Just like strength training, you want to manage fatigue, and don’t overdo it,”He stated.

He advised that HIIT training should be restricted to only two days per week.

Liu stated that people should place priority to zone two training in their daily routines.

This is a low impact cardio session, which could include swimming, running, cycling, and rowing.

“Getting in aerobic work is important to improve your metabolic health, longevity, mitochondrial function, and resting heart rate,” Liu said.

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“If you don’t include zone two training in your routine, you are missing key health benefits and can accelerate your aging process.

“Be sure to incorporate two to three sessions of zone two training into your routine, aiming for 30 to 45 minutes in each session.”


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