I’m a dentist and here’s 3 reasons for your embarrassing bad breath


IF you’re conscious your breath smells, the first thing you blame is what you’ve eaten that day – coffee, garlic, red wine or otherwise.

It’s easy to pop a chewing gum and move on with the day.

Smelly breath? Don't just cover it with a chewing gum - take a look at your oral hygeine routine


Are you smelling bad breath? You don’t have to cover it with chewing gum. Take a look at how you manage your oral hygiene routineCredit: Alamy
Dr Abdullah Zahiri gives nformation on TikTok


Dr Abdullah Zahiri gives nformation on TikTokCredit: TikTok @dentistexplains

However, this could mask a deeper problem and be the root cause of your frequent stonking breath.

Dr Abdullah ZahiriA dentist based in Dubai who provides information on TikTok has identified three reasons why your breath is not minty fresh.

None of these are related to the food you eat but your oral hygiene.

Bad breath could be the first sign of these hidden problems.

Even those who stick to a religious teeth cleaning routine can’t guarantee prevention of a smelly breath if they are harbouring nasty bacteria.

Here we dig deeper into the causes Dr Zahiri warned his 90,000 followers of…

White tongue

Do you also brush the tongue while you brush your teeth?

The papillae are small bumps that cover the tongue. They can become clogged with bacteria and food, creating a white-colored or furry look to the tongue.

This build-up can, unsurprisingly cause bad breath.

Whitening of the tongue is more common in people who are undergoing cancer treatment, smoke, or have a weak immune response.

You could also blame a diet high in soft foods and/or a lack of fruit or veg.

You may also have to be careful because of the possibility of a white-colored tongue due to oral thrush or oral lichenplanus.

How to fix it A white tongue can usually be fixed. You can clean your tongue with your toothbrush, or more practically, a tongue cleaner/scraper.


Dr Zahiri claims that calculus can cause bad breath.

Calculus is also known as tartar.

A light layer of plaque is always on your teeth. This plaque can be hard to see. But when this isn’t properly removed with daily brushing, it can develop in tartar.

You may find yourself in a difficult situation where you need to see a dentist. Only a professional can remove tartar.

Even if you are properly taking care of your oral hygiene, tartar can build-up in the places your toothbrush isn’t reaching effectively, such as the back.

Tartar doesn’t necessarily cause bad breath, “but it makes cleaning even more difficult”, London-based dentist Dr Mohsin Ghor told Patient.

He added: “It creates ledges and more places for bacteria to thrive. Bad odours are often caused by bacteria that is found in these areas.

How to fix itKeep tartar at bay by brushing your teeth twice daily with an electric toothbrush. Also, floss once a week, use fluoride toothpaste and use antiseptic mouthwash.

Only a professional can remove tartar once it has formed.

Tooth decay

As a child, you might have been told to cut back on sugar intake to avoid cavities.

However, they are possible at any age. Most people have at least one.

Cavities should be treated immediately as they can cause further problems down the line.

They can lead to bad breath, as bacteria or food bits could get caught in the tiny gaps. This makes it difficult to keep your teeth clean and your mouth fresh.

This is probably why Dr Zahiri flagged tooth decay in his report on bad breath.

However, this is not the end of your worries as tooth decay can cause painful root canals or even removal.

How to treat it Visit your dentist to check for cavities.

Bad breath can also be caused by other factors

Dr Zahiri covered some causes of bad breath that are related to teeth. However, there are many other problems that can cause your breath to be stonking.

These include but aren’t limited to:

  • Dry mouth (a condition that is caused by a lack of saliva)
  • Smoking
  • Acid reflux
  • Gum disease
  • Crash diets
  • Tonsillitis and tonsil stones
  • Diabetes
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