‘I Know Her!’ Dad Turns Pale after Meeting His Son’s Fiancée for the 1st Time – Story of the Day


45-year-old Kenneth is dumbstruck when he first meets Ashley, his son’s fiancée, and recognizes her as his daughter from an extramarital affair. Ashley then threatens to reveal Kenneth’s affair and demands money. This forces him to act in a desperate manner to prevent her.

“They’re here!” Kenneth rose from the couch to welcome his son, Richard, and his fiancée, who he’d brought home that weekend to meet Kenneth and his wife, Maria.

“Mom…Dad, this is the love of my life, Ashley!” Richard spoke with a bright glow in his eyes.

“Hello… it’s nice to finally meet you both!”

Ashley smiled at Richard as she appeared behind him. Kenneth was terrified when he saw her.

Kenneth paid Ashley’s mom, Sarah, 23 years earlier to hide his infidelity. Several months back, he’d blocked his illegitimate daughter, Ashley, when she reached out to him on social media.

Never in a million dreams did he imagine Ashley would appear on his doorstep as his son’s fiancée. Kenneth felt sick at the idea that Richard was dating his estranged brother.

I know her! He accidentally slipped.

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“What…You know each other?” Richard’s eyebrows were furrowed.

Panic washed over Kenneth when he realized he’d said that out loud. Ashley dropped the cake on Maria’s foot, which distracted everyone.

“I am so clumsy!” Ashley replied, “Gosh…I will clear this up.”

“Oh my…that’s alright, dear. Maria told Richard that accidents happen. Richard quickly got to work and cleaned up the cake on his mother’s dress.

Ashley snuck up behind Kenneth as Richard and Maria cleaned the mess out of the living room.

What’s your plan? She whispered with venom. She smiled to make Richard and Maria not see how upset she was.

Kenneth felt fear from every direction. When he saw Maria coming towards him, he immediately diverted the conversation.

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“Ken, what was that all about?” Maria asked. “Have you met Ashley before?”

Kenneth forced his smile. I mistook her for someone else. I’m so stupid! “We have an amazing day in front of us…let’s all enjoy it now.”

Kenneth quietly approached Ashley in the kitchen, while Maria and Richard grilled steaks outside.

“Hi, Dad! You’re welcome to come and help! It wouldn’t harm to have a third hand!” Ashley smiled at Kenneth.

What are you doing? Kenneth screamed at Ashley in a low voice, trying to keep from being caught. How can you be dating your brother?” “It makes me sick just to think of it.”

Ashley stared Kenneth directly in the face. “I am aware that this man is my half brother…and I have my limits!” It was my intention to remind you of how easily you had paid back my mother! You know, I was wondering if you knew where my mom is? “She is dead.”

Ashley’s revelation jolted Kenneth. “What? Sarah…died? “I’m sorry to hear about your loss.

Your sorry will not bring my mother back!” Ashley dropped the knife on the counter and then slammed it.

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“She gave me to an orphanage when I was 5,” Ashley continued. “She did not have the opportunity to raise me. She died at the age of 8. It was only because she had to work two jobs in order to live without a child and a husband. You don’t know what I lost due to you.

“Fine…how much do you want?” Kenneth tried to get Ashley to stay quiet by negotiating with her.

“$300,000!” Ashley responded firmly.

Are you crazy? How will I be able to afford that amount of money? He snarled.

“It is a small price to pay for your crime, Dad!” Ashley replied icily.

If you don’t give the money in two weeks, your beloved wife and son might find out all about your affair with your mother.

Kenneth’s heart was under threat from the consequences of the revelation of truth. It was up to him to find a way to prevent Ashley from ruining his family.

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Kenneth planned a trip to a town near by the following day. He drove to an underprivileged area, notorious for crime. It was not a place that he normally visited. After a long night of internal questioning, and after exhausting all possible sources for the hush-money, the only thing left was to knock.

He gathered his courage and approached the group of young, unruly men.

“Excuse me…” Kenneth said. “I’ve got an offer for you and your team.” “Can you bring me to meet your boss and discuss this further?”

Why should we introduce you to our boss? Why introduce you to your boss? Kenneth laughed as one of the men spat in the dirt and turned to look at him.

Here…I’m offering $300 immediately. He said, “You’ll get even more if you can negotiate with your boss.”

They agreed. He was led to an abandoned building adorned with graffiti and rubble on the corner of the street. Kenneth was filled with fear as he pulled wads worth $10,000 out of his jacket pocket to place on the table in front of the gang leader.

“Ready cash, huh?! “What’s the deal?” The kingpin looked Kenneth straight in the eyes.

“I want you to scare my son’s fiancée,” Kenneth replied. “…so that she doesn’t bother me and come to my home again. I just want you to scare her, that’s all…please don’t hurt her.”

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The gang leader declared, “Consider this deal done,” as he grabbed a bundle of money from the table. Please leave her name and address as well as some information about the woman. When would you like us to complete this task?

“Tonight. “Tonight.” She replied. Kenneth said, “You can take care of her as you go.”

Kenneth left, relieved that the thugs had sorted out the problem for him and would put Ashley’s threats to rest. As he drove home, it felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Kenneth noticed shadowy, long silhouettes behind him as he was cleaning the car windows in his garage.

“Oh God…you?” Kenneth was nervous seeing the thugs who he’d met earlier. “Why aren’t you there?”

A thug said, “We’re here to talk.”

Kenneth’s chest pounded as he prepared himself for the discussion. How did the conversation go?” Does she swear to never disturb me again?

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“Well, everything went pretty well…for us,” the thug replied. The thug replied, “Now that you have her $300,000 in debt and we owe the same. If there’s no money by the agreed time, well…you know the outcome…and we know your son and wife!”

“What?? Kenneth stuttered. “But we…we agreed …” Kenneth.” The deal was that this would not be part of it.

It’s now! “Well, it’s now!” grimly grinned the thug. Her offer proved to be more lucrative and intriguing than yours!”

Do not try to act as a hero by involving the police. Kenneth’s attention was drawn by a second thug who leaned in threateningly. “…you never know what could happen if someone from your own family disappears. Understood, Daddy?”

Kenneth felt his heart shiver. He was struck by a lightning bolt when he realized that he put his family’s safety at risk in order to rid himself of Ashley.

Kenneth took a second risk as the thugs walked out of his garage. He devised a scheme to steal the money. His first thought was to go back to his old job as a car mechanic.

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Kenneth, the accountant in an auto repair shop, used his knowledge of automobiles and extensive experience to help customers. Tyler, a 19-year-old apprentice who is the son of a workshop owner and was spoilt, was causing problems. Kenneth went up to the boy that afternoon.

“Hey, Tyler! You said you would look at it. Kenneth replied, “It’s in need of some work and I would be grateful if it were fixed for me.”

“Are you sure it’s even worth fixing?” Tyler mocked him. “Both you and your car belong in the museum!”

Kenneth did not respond to the taunts. I thought that you might use my car as a learning tool. You have made a great deal of progress in the last few months!

“Fine! “Fine! I will look at your vehicle. Tyler told him that he could pick up the car in the parking lot on Monday morning. The pleasure of receiving praise in front of his colleagues, whom he continually insulted, was too great for him to deny.

“Thank you, Tyler. “I’ll get it in a few hours!”

Kenneth talked loudly, so the rest of us in workshop could clearly hear him.

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Kenneth, deep down had another thought in his head. Kenneth was frustrated as the evening grew closer. He returned home to let Maria and Richard know.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked him when he dropped his briefcase onto the couch.

“I had another fight with the spoiled brat today…Someday, that kid Tyler will end up in the hospital with a broken nose, missing teeth, and a leg hanging in the air,” Kenneth fumed.

“Oh, c’mon, Dad. “He’s just 19.” Richard tried his best to calm Kenneth.

Kenneth frowned. “The child’s getting on my nerves,” he said. “… and he had better perform his duties properly…without angering my car.”

Richard interrupted, “Wait…what happened to your car?” Richard was interrupted.

“It’s in the garage…I told that boy to have it fixed first thing tomorrow,” Kenneth said and retired to his room.

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Only for illustration purposes | Source: Pexels

Kenneth got out of bed that night when everyone else was fast asleep. Grabbing his tools, Kenneth crept onto the parking lot of the auto shop. Kenneth walked into the assembly area of the car repair shop as the security guard was fast asleep.

He donned a mask in black and approached the old Mustang. He opened the hood, inhaled deeply and unscrewed the hose supplying the brake fluid. Kenneth was dripping cold sweat down his spine.

Kenneth had planned on picking up the car in the morning to drive back home. On the way back, his brakes would go out and cause him to have a deliberate accident. Tyler was eventually identified through an investigation, and it would appear that Tyler tampered around with the brakes as he fixed the car.

Kenneth knew that he and his auto service shop would come under scrutiny. Kenneth planned to claim a large compensation from his workshop, and negotiate a pre-trial deal with his boss for additional money in order to keep Tyler away from jail.

Kenneth went home to spend a quiet night, relieved to have finally managed to get the money needed to stop Ashley and those thugs.

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As Kenneth awoke the next day, warm sun rays were piercing through his window.

“Oh boy! I’m late…should pick up the car first thing…and deal with the cops later…after my minor accident!” He laughed softly, whispering.

He was shocked to see Maria sobbing in the living room and clutching her landline.

Honey, what’s the matter? Kenneth approached her. Why are you so upset?

“RICHARD!” She was frantic. “He went to fetch your car so you wouldn’t fight with Tyler again. I just…I got a call from the cops…Richard was in an accident on the highway and died on the spot….”

Kenneth sank to the ground, his hands clenching his chest. “No…it can’t be…Our son, Richard…it’s all my fault…”

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Only for illustration purposes | Source: Pexels

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You might also enjoy this tale about a wife who hides in the balcony of her home to watch as her husband enters the bedroom and sleeps with the teacher.

Written by a professional, this article is based on real stories of everyday life from our readers. All similarities to names or places are purely coincidental. Images are only for illustration. Maybe your story will help someone. Please send your story to [email protected].


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