I am a travel professional and you should always adhere to 7 flying etiquette guidelines – it is common sense, but passengers often make mistakes.


Many are returning to the skies after pandemic lockdowns. But not all of them remember the basic rules of flying.

The top tips and tricks of the best travel pros are shared here.

Travel pros are sharing their top tips for being a considerate plane passenger


These are the top travel pros’ tips to be a considerate passenger on a plane

Seven rules of flying etiquette have been shared by seven travelers.

One traveler stated that too many jewelry can cause security screenings to be slow.

It’s better not to take jewelry with you on vacation, and to leave it at home.

Another traveler suggests moving away from the belt of belongings located on the other side the security checkpoint, when you are putting on your shoes.

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You could cause traffic congestion if you are in the middle or back of the line for your shoes to be put on.

Be sure to have your boarding pass, ID and passport ready when you go to security.

The time spent searching for these items could lead to delays or major delays.

Another traveler suggests using the overhead bin storage only for large bags.

You can store a backpack under your seat to save overhead storage for larger bags that are too large.

Also, make sure to check behind your back before reclining your seat on the plane.

Sometimes, reclining your plane seat can be difficult.

If someone behind you is using the tray to hold a beverage, you could splash it if they suddenly recline.

One travel professional suggests the following advice for armrest etiquette.

One armrest is given to the passenger who sits in the aisle, two to the passenger who is in the middle, and one to the person at the window. The wall of the plane also gets one armrest.

This depends on what type of plane you are flying.

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Don’t attempt to talk too much if someone is wearing headphones.

A person using headphones is likely to not want to talk and should be respected.


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