How Justin Timberlake Reduced Jessica Simpson To Tears


How Justin Timberlake Reduced Jessica Simpson To Tears

Some entertainers and Hollywood stars, such as Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Ryan Gosling, all got a taste of fame way before they became household names by appearing on “The Mickey Mouse Club.” And while Jessica Simpson wanted to be a part of the Disney Channel series, too, unfortunately, she didn’t make it past her audition. In her memoir, “Open Book,”Simpson recalled her audition for “The Mickey Mouse Club” and how it went horribly wrong.

What’s more, Timberlake didn’t make things any easier on her as he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and maybe even said the wrong thing, too. Recalling how she knew that she had flubbed her entire audition, Simpson wrote, “My choreography was completely off, and then I couldn’t remember any of the lines from my monologue. I stared at the camera and knew I’d blown it completely. The theater was silent.”

To make matters worse, Timberlake appeared out of nowhere and said to her, “Oooooooooh. What did you just do?” His reaction prompted Simpson to start crying in despair. But that wasn’t the only time that Timberlake left Simpson befuddled and confused over his behavior.


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