How do you remove blackheads? Dermatologist dispels 7 TikTok beauty hacks


If you use TikTok or another social media platform, you have probably seen plenty of skin care hacks promising to get rid of your spots and reveal a radiant complexion.

It’s likely that you have also felt disappointment at the failure of these’miracle cures’.

From 'rubbing' your blackheads off to pulling them out with an egg white pore strip, cosmetic formulator Dr Vanita Rattan debunked TikTok skincare hacks


Vanitarattan, Dr Vanita’s cosmetics formulator debunked TikTok skin care hacks.Credit: Getty
The skin doctor discussed which trends could be harming your skin and what 'cures' to try instead


A skin specialist discussed what trends may be damaging your skin as well as alternative ‘cure’s’.Credit:

Some trends can actually cause more damage than good to your skin. They may even lead to burns, corrosive effects, and skin barrier breakdown.

Sun Health talked to a dermatologist and cosmetic formulator in the sun health. SkincarebyDrV, Dr Vanita RattanWhat are the Dos and Don’ts when it comes to TikTok skin care hacks?

Vanita Dr. Vanita tells the truth about everything from the blackhead-removing ‘rub’ to the hack of using cling film as a moisturiser.

1. Egg White Pores Strips

A popular trend in the fashion world is Egg White Pore StripsThis involves breaking an egg into its whites and mixing them in a large bowl. Then, you apply the mixture to your nose before adding tissue paper.

It is claimed that this method works like a homemade pore strip, which can be used to remove black heads from your nose.

The satisfaction that people get from peeling off the blackheads, dirt and debris on their nose is what Dr Vanita said.

“However, the effects don’t last and aren’t worth it as pore strips aren’t powerful enough to clean pores. She added that raw eggs can also pose a salmonella risk.

If you want to unclog your pores, Dr Vanita suggested you instead “focus on the underlying issue that causes open pores on the face – enlarged pores, overactive sweat glands, and sun damage”.

She suggested: “Another way to eliminate blackheads quickly is by using a 2 percent salicylic exfoliator, which is soluble in fat and penetrates deep into your pores.”

2. Underarm glycolic acids

Dabbing is a popular technique that you may have seen in the “sweaty girls hack” Underarm glycine is a good idea Get rid of unpleasant smells

According to Dr Vanita, “the theory behind the viral TikTok is that glycolic will lower the pH of underarms and stop bacteria from multiplicating.”

The users claim you can replace deodorant by applying glycolic underarms.

According to the dermatologist, this theory has two major problems.

First, glycolic acid won’t prevent you from sweating. You’ll still have body odour.

Second, the temperature in your underarms is high.
Dr Vanita has warned that the glycolic acid can be even more harmful and cause skin irritation.

“Those who herald this TikTok craze are already using glycolic acids at 7 per cent, which is too high to use daily and could cause skin damage.

While initially the skin will appear to brighten, this is only a temporary phenomenon.
Peels off, this is a trend that will likely cause darkening of the pigmentation after prolonged use.

Stick to the deodorant you use every day.

Make sure it does not contain any essential oils or fragrances, denatured alcohols, and/or other additives.

3. Skincare fasting

Skincare fasting involves reducing the amount of actives and products applied to the skin over a period of time, explained Dr Vanita.

It could take a few weeks, months or six weeks to complete a cell cycle.

The skin doctor will love this TikTok trend. Specific circumstances.

She told Central Recorder that she recommends a skin care fast when your skin is feeling very dry or sensitive or if it has started to flake or become very flaky. This indicates a compromised skin barrier.

“During the ‘fast’, you want to stop using any retinols or acids on the skin.

“I would also recommend doing a skincare fast a week between starting new skincare ranges, so you don’t overlap on ingredients, or if the second range is harsher than the first.”

She was quick to say that it’s not a good idea to completely change your daily routine.

“Despite giving your skin a break, a skincare fast shouldn’t mean stopping all skincare,” she explained.

Keep applying the SPF50 suncream daily. Dr Vanita advises using a zinc oxide mineral one. You can also wash your face with it every night to get rid of any pollution or makeup.

The skin can regulate its own pH and enzyme activity by using a fatty moisturizer after cleansing.

4. Blackheads can be removed by rubbing them off

It’s likely that you have come across a TikTok clip where a female claims to ‘rub off’ Her blackheads are treated with an oily lotion

The whole time I lived, I’ve squeezed them out with soap. She said to me, “You need oil. Rub oil for 5 minutes on the area and it will be gone.” TikTok Snow said.

This is the first time in many years that she has seen her nose so clean.

Dr Vanita claimed that this hack might actually work, sort of.

The oil melting cleaners work using oils to remove dirt, makeup and extra sebum, or skin oil, from the skin surface. “This can be helpful in reducing blackheads because it will clear out your pores,” said the dermatologist.

However, she says that the most effective way to eliminate blackheads would be to apply a chemical exfoliant with 2% salicylic acid.

The Dr Vanita explained that this will prevent the accumulation of dead cells and oils which can cause blackheads.

The TikTok trend also states that it is not a good idea to squeeze blackheads or pull them out, since this only makes your skin worse. It can leave permanent scars.

She also recommended that you avoid popular tools such as pore vacuums which could damage your skin’s barrier, cause microtears and bruising, and even inflammation.

5. Remove dark marks with apple cider vinegar

Skincare products can be expensive, which is why many people turn to the natural remedies sold on TikTok.

A good example of this is the One Such Apple cider vinegar is used to treat spots.

According to Dr Vanita, apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy that can be used for acne scars and age spots. The users also say that apple cider vinegar helps to remove moles.

Apple cider vinegar, however, is a harsh and acidic substance that should not be used on the face.

The cosmetic formulator added: “Long-term usage of undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar can corrode the face and cause permanent damage to skin.”

You should not be leaving the stuff on your skin for long periods of time and you definitely shouldn’t use it to treat wounds, moles, or infections as it could burn your skin.

You can use the Dr Vanita recommended facial pigmentation kits to treat hyperpigmentation, such as melasma, caused by UV damage.

6. Use of oats for cleansing

Tiktok app users soak oats in water, then use the softened flakes and the water. Cleanse their faces.

Dr Vanita stated: “Oats contain no surfactants that can clean your skin.

“This means it doesn’t help with improving skin texture or hyperpigmentation. Not to mention that this is a very messy and time-consuming ‘hack’.”

According to the dermatologist, the trend suggests that you wash your face 3 times using oats or their products.
The oats will strip your skin of all its fat, but excessive exfoliation can harm the skin’s barrier.

She said, “Use a micellar wash and a chemical scrubber for a quick skincare regimen.”

7. Cling-wrap moisturiser mask

Dr Vanita highlights the viral aspect of AIDS. cling-wrap moisturiser maskIt involves wrapping your face with a plastic wrap and applying a rich moisturiser.

She said: “While you might feel silly clinging-wrapping the face, it is actually a very effective method for occlusion. It’s a great way to trap water in your skin and leave it hydrated, supple, and healthy.”

This mask is great, but be sure you use a scent-free moisturizer to avoid irritation.

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But she advised against using a spoon to ‘scrape off the dirt’, as one TikTok user suggested.

“This doesn’t actually clean your face and can be abrasive to the skin. “Use a washcloth to prevent damage to your skin barrier instead,” said Dr Vanita.


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