How did Adam Levine meet Behati Princesloo?


How did Adam Levine meet Behati Princesloo?

According to Newsweek, Adam Levine dated two other Victoria’s Secret models — Anne Vyalitsyna and Nina Agdal — so it seems that (like Leonardo DiCaprio) he has a type. Behati Prinsloo’s runway experience and her ability to handle a pair Victoria’s Secret wings made him a perfect match, at least on paper. Levine and Prinsloo met in 2012 when Levine reached out to a mutual friend via email. “Adam was looking for a girl for a music video that could do some action stuff, and our friend was like, ‘You should meet Behati because she’s a total tomboy and down for anything,”Prinsloo recalls Prinsloo in an interview Net-A-Porter. Although the model eventually lost the gig due to health reasons, her virtual connection to Levine was only strengthened. “It was such a natural correspondence that we kind of fell in love over email,”She added.

After they started talking via email, Prinsloo flew directly to Los Angeles to get a job. Levine was finally there in person. “[Levine] had boxing gloves on and he came to hug me — it was so awkward,”She remembered it, according to Net-A–Porter. Despite the awkward meeting, sparks were still lit at dinner that night. “We talked for hours and had the best time,”Prinsloo stated. Levine realized his error even though they split up at one point. “He realized he really loved [Prinsloo] and wanted to be with her,”A source said Us Weekly.


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