HOV Lane driver fined after she tried to claim her unborn child as a passenger


WOMAN CRASHED for driving in a carpool lane claimed that her unborn child was a passenger and she was pulled over.

Brandy Bottone from Plano, Texas was 34 weeks along when she was stopped and questioned by a police officer for driving in a high-occupancy vehicle lane (HOV) while on her way home to pick up her son.

The HOV lane driver was fined $215 after claiming her unborn child counted as a passenger


After claiming that her unborn child was counted as a passenger, the HOV lane driver was penalized $215

The officer looked in the car and asked her whether there were any other people inside. “my baby girl is right here. She is a person.”

The officer said to her: “Oh, no. It’s got to be two people outside of the body.”

Ms. Bottone explained to the Dallas Morning News: “If a fetus is considered a life before birth, then why doesn’t that count as a second passenger?”

The woman stated that the other officer was her husband. “brushed”She told them that her child was alive because of everything going on in the wake of Roe V. Wade being overturned.

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Bottone stated to him: “I don’t know why you’re not seeing that.”

She was informed that she would need to challenge her $215 ticket in order to avoid paying the fine.

The mother was frustrated and said, “This makes my blood boil.” How can this be fair? This is a life, according to the new law.

“This may fall on deaf ears, but as a woman, this was shocking.”

Amy O’Donnell, spokeswoman for Texas Alliance for Life said that the car was not fit to drive in this lane.

She stated that while Texas’ penal code recognizes unborn children as persons in Texas, Texas’ transportation code doesn’t.

“A child who is residing in the mother’s womb does not take up an additional seat.

“And with only one occupant taking up a seat, the car did not meet the criteria needed to drive in that lane.”

The Sheriff’s department has not commented.


The Supreme Court has overturned Roe V Wade’s landmark ruling, removing nearly 50 years worth of constitutional protections against abortion.

The 5-4 decision will leave the issues of abortion up to state legislators, which will ultimately result in a total ban on the procedure in about half of the states.

Associate Justice Samuel Alito was joined in his opinion by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

In response to the news, the Department of Homeland Security intelligence reportedly informed law enforcement officials, first responders, as well as private sector partners, of possible domestic violence extremist activities since the announcement.

Alito called Roe in Friday’s ruling “egregiously wrong from the start”.

He stated that the Constitution was his. “does not confer a right to abortion,”Declaring that the final decision should be made by the state.


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