Here’s What’s Really Causing Your Elbow Pain


Here's What's Really Causing Your Elbow Pain

Overuse is another common cause of elbow pain. Golfer’s elbow, for example, is a condition that occurs in golfers who repeatedly use their elbows in a repetitive movement (via Mayo Clinic). Tennis players and baseball players also experience this condition. Symptoms include elbow pain, numbness, stiffness, and weakness in the area. Bursitis can also be causing your pain. This occurs when bursa, small fluid-filled sacks that sit in the joints, become swollen and painful (via WebMD). Bursitis can often be treated with rest and pain medication.

Some diseases and health conditions can also be responsible for elbow pain. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis can both affect the elbows and cause severe pain in the area. Gout, another form of arthritis, occurs when uric acid forms crystals around the joints. Those crystals can sit on the elbow joint and cause a lot of pain. If you experience elbow pain that is severe and/or does not go away after a few days, schedule a visit with your doctor.


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