Here’s What’s Going to Happen to Queen Elizabeth’s Personal Jewelry Closet


Queen Elizabeth was the reigning monarch and inherited an incredible collection of jewelry and clothes when she assumed her throne. This collection grew over her 70-year reign. So, what will happen to the queen’s closet and jewelry collection now that she’s passed on? Well, there isn’t one clear-cut answer.

The Crown Jewels remain the property of The State

St. Edward’s Crown is possibly the most recognizable piece of royal iconography in existence. It is strictly used for coronations and was worn last by Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953. However, the legendary piece wouldn’t be considered a part of the queen’s personal jewels collection. Along with more than 100 other valuable objects, it makes up the Crown Jewels of Great Britain. They were and remain the property of the state, rather than the ruling monarch.

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So, the Crown Jewels, including all of the Coronation Regalia, will not change ownership now that Queen Elizabeth’s reign has ended. Pieces will be removed from their resting place in the Tower of London for King Charles III’s coronation, but they will return. They will be kept there until another monarch assumes the throne.

Queen Elizabeth Was Well-Known For Her Donations

According to royal author Brian Hoey’s book, The Corgis are not in front of youHer Majesty would often give gently used clothing to her royal dressers. They could do whatever they pleased with the pieces, but they had to be removed of any labels or signs that indicated they were from the palace. Hoey says that many pieces were purchased, but it would be difficult to trace them back the queen.

For what remains of her clothing, there’s no clear-cut answer. Queen Elizabeth was not unlike the Crown Jewels. She was just like any other citizen. Her belongings likely won’t be distributed based on protocol, but will rather be up to whatever instructions were left by the queen herself. That brings us to the queen’s personal jewelry collection.

Royal Family Members Inherit The Queen’s Jewels

The size of the queen’s personal jewelry collection has been disputed over the years, although most agree that the grand total is several hundred. She has been known to gift certain heirlooms to family members over the years—especially tiaras—but it’s unclear just how many were left upon her passing.

It’s likely that the queen wanted certain pieces to go to certain people. This was already observed during the family’s mourning procession when Kate Middleton wore accessories with the queen’s leaf-shaped brooch.

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Camila Parker Bowles will likely inherit a large portion of the queen’s private jewels—especially family heirlooms—now that she is queen consort. The royal family will handle these matters private. Rest assured, as soon as a royal woman steps out in the late queen’s jewelry, royal watchers will be able to spot it.

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