Gene probably said that in that “Better Call Saul”Scene from a phone booth


It somehow feels incomplete to simply describe Monday night’s episode of Better Call Saul — Episode 11, titled Breaking Bad — as an oh-so-satisfying small screen masterpiece. This show not only brought the original series and its critically-acclaimed prequel to a full circle, but also gave us Walter White’s long-anticipated return and Jesse Pinkman’s appearances.

There are only two episodes remaining. Better Call SaulThis episode wraps up for good. It also sets up the beginning of the final episode. And, if you ask me, it all hinges on Gene Takovic’s dramatic phone booth conversation, the one that we didn’t get to hear any audio from. It was clearly upsetting enough that Gene aka Saul Goodman aka Jimmy McGill promptly freaked out inside the phone booth, banging the phone against the side repeatedly before stepping outside to kick a hole in the booth’s glass.

It clearly motivated him to rebound and create a new scam.

Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 11 — Breaking Bad

Let’s re-set the scene, first.

In the postBreaking Bad timeline, Saul/Jimmy is now in hiding in Omaha — where he’s spent the Better Call SaulUnder the assumed identity Gene Takovic, Gene Takovic worked in a Cinnabon timeline. We see Gene sneak off and call Francesca Liddy his old receptionist in this episode. She’s gone from working at Saul’s law firm to a new life as an apartment landlord.

And because the feds are still trying to get a lead on Saul’s whereabouts, Francesca tells Gene how she still hears clicks on her phone. The feds open her mail randomly. Sometimes they even follow her.

But the real bombshell of that conversation was what she revealed to her old boss. Kim Wexler. Jimmy’s ex-wife, the fan-favorite Better Call SaulCharacter who left him and voluntarily gave her law license up a few episodes earlier. Everything ended at the end. Breaking Bad? Kim called Francesca apparently to check in.

Francesca asked Francesca about Jimmy.

Heartened by that news, Jimmy in Monday night’s episode of Better Call SaulAfter dropping in enough quarters, the driver drives to an out-of–the-way telephone booth. Then, it dials. “Palm Coast Sprinklers”Titusville Florida. Kim is apparently employed in Titusville, Florida.

As noted above, though, the show doesn’t let us hear the conversation. What we see is all we know. Gene is having a major meltdown at the phone booth. Then, from there, he launches right into a selling-stolen-IDs-for-cash scam.

This is the phone call

The million-dollar question is now answered:

Gene got a shock when Gene called to ask what was the truth. This motivated him to create a new fraud, now with just two. Better Call SaulWhat are the remaining episodes?

RedditorYou might be the one to answer.

Take this with a grain of salt, but it seems that — notwithstanding the roar of the semis driving by that drowned out the audio in that phone booth scene — the conversation was actually mostly audible in the version dubbed in German. Here’s what the Reddit post claims you could hear from Gene’s side of the conversation. The post (credit to Mcmike8)

(The beginning is inaudible … but it’s mid-sentence and he is already upset about what Kim must have said): “(…) you have no idea what I did or didn’t do, okay? Why don’t YOU turn yourself in, you don’t have to be considerate of me, I can only be hanged ONCE. Kim, we’re not even discussing this. We’re both too smart…“

Take what you can from it. If that’s really what Gene was saying, though, it sure doesn’t sound like we have enough time left for a happy reunion between Jimmy and Kim, sorry to say.


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