Fox Sports Apologizes For Slapping Yankees/Red Sox Graphic During 9/11 Memorial


Fox Sports has apologized for a graphic aired during Saturday night’s “Baseball Night in America”broadcast in which the logos for the New York Yankees (and Boston Red Sox) were placed over the World Trade Center’s memorial fountains on September 11.

“During last night’s telecast, we used poor judgment on the use of a graphic,”A Fox Sports spokesperson said in a statement. “We sincerely apologize and regret the decision.”

The 9/11 memorial includes the names of all those who were killed in the terrorist attack of 2001 and the 1993 bombings of the buildings that used to be the tallest in New York City. The names are surrounded by two large fountain pools, which were placed near the original towers.

Fox ran a commercial after the broadcast of the eighth inning of the Yankees vs. Red Sox broadcast. It featured a graphic “Baseball Night in America” logo superimposed over an aerial view of the memorial, with the teams’ logo placed over the fountains. The graphic was shared across social media, and was condemned by Keith Olbermann (ex-anchor of ESPN and MSNBC), as insensitive.

“There have to be firings over this. Lots of them,” He tweeted.


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