Find out if you’re a digital expert or clueless with computers with our interactive quiz!


How Tech Savvy are You? Take the Digital Skills Quiz!

Are you a digital dynamo or computer clueless? Take this new quiz to find out your digital skill level.

From transferring files to creating an Instagram reel, this tool will rate your skills and assess whether you’re an expert or novice in the modern world.

The Importance of Digital Literacy in Schools

It follows a study which found eight in 10 parents believe digital skills should be taught in schools with the same level of importance as reading and writing.

But the research of 2,000 mums and dads of 6-18-year-old children revealed 44 per cent worry their offspring’s current knowledge doesn’t stretch much further than scrolling social media.

Two thirds believe learning from an early age is key to building their digital toolset – and 61 per cent think it will help their future career prospects.

While 67 per cent consider it a necessity to help integrate, as the world becomes more digitized.

It also emerged 45 per cent believe coding and programming should be part of the curriculum.

Teaching Essential Skills Beyond Basic Computer Knowledge

The study found as well as basic computer skills (62 per cent), 54 per cent would like to see kids taught about social media safety.

While 52 per cent think typing lessons are a must, and 30 per cent would even appreciate kids being taught basic graphic design skills.

But 74 per cent worry that, in the future, children not having access to the latest tech will see them left behind in the job market.

And 76 per cent believe a proportion of a school’s budget should be ring-fenced to ensure they have access to the latest in digital technology.

Parental Concerns and the Need for Digital Education

With only 11 per cent of the parents polled rating their own digital skills as ‘excellent’, 67 per cent would like a stronger understanding of how to protect themselves online.

More than four in 10 (44 per cent) have forgotten usernames or passwords to their online accounts, and 26 per cent have struggled to set up a wireless device.

A quarter have also felt frustration at the Wi-Fi going down and not having the tech skills to fix it, according to the figures.

Only 53 per cent of respondents currently use tech to keep tabs on their child, such as software on phones to know where they are or accessing their internet search history.

And they consider kids to be ready to use their own ‘personal’ screens, such as their own phone or tablet, from the age of eight.

Preparing Children for the Future

Only one in 10 parents rate their IT skills as ‘excellent’

Many are worried their kids could get left behind if they don’t develop digital nous

Click the above image to put your computer skills to the test

Credit: SWNS

Many are worried their kids could get left behind if they don't develop digital nous

Many are worried their kids could get left behind if they don’t develop digital nous
Credit: Getty


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