Experts warn that over HALF the adults who have silent killer conditions don’t yet know they are suffering.


MILLIONS upon millions of people were warned to be aware that they are at risk from a silent killer.

More than half of the adults living in England suffer from the condition. This can lead to deadly heart diseases.

High cholesterol can lead to several heart disease including heart attacks and strokes


High cholesterol can lead to several heart disease including heart attacks and strokesCredit to Getty – Contributor

According to British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Many people don’t know they have (BANT).

Often dubbed a “silent killer” – high cholesterol can lead to several heart disease including heart attacks and strokes.

Heart and circulatory diseases cause a quarter of all deaths in the UK – that’s more than 160,000 deaths each year.

What is normal cholesterol?

Cholesterol is the fatty substance that is carried in the blood to build healthy cells.

It’s made by the liver but found in certain foods, and high levels can increase your risk of serious health problems.

Lipoprotein is a combination of cholesterol and protein that can be carried in blood.

There are two kinds of lipoprotein: low-density and high-density.

How can you tell the difference between “good” and “bad” cholesterol?

HDLs transport cholesterol from the cells to the liver, where it can then be broken down.

The body can then use it or dispose of the waste.

HDLs are known as “good cholesterol” and higher levels are considered better.

LDLs are cholesterol that is carried to the cells that need it. However, if there’s too much, this can cause artery wall damage, leading to heart disease.

LDLs are therefore known as “bad cholesterol”.

Which is the best way lower your cholesterol?

Cutting back cholesterol to the levels we were born with reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by a third, a study found.

According to BANT, there are many ways that you can reduce your expenses.

  • Keep a low-fat diet
  • Saturated fat can be replaced with fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals
  • Stop smoking
  • Get regular exercise


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