Exclusive: Houthis Recover US Drone Debris After Missile Attack on UK Cargo Ship – Crew Forced to Abandon Ship


Yemen’s Houthis Shoot Down US Drone and Blast UK-Owned Cargo Ship

Pictures show alleged debris of a US drone after Houthis shot it down in the Red Sea, amid a series of missile attacks on shipping vessels by the Iran-backed rebel group.

Houthis Claim Responsibility for US Drone Shooting and Missile Attacks on UK Cargo Ship

Houthi military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, announced that the group had successfully targeted the US drone MQ9 and the UK-owned cargo ship Rubymar. Four missile attacks were executed in the span of 24 hours, raising concerns about heightened security risks for shipping in the strategic waterways of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Escalation of Attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

Following the recent missile attacks, the US has launched strikes against Houthi targets, intensifying the conflict between the rebels and international forces. Established as a “specially designated global terrorist group” by the US, the Houthis’ disruptive actions have prompted a multinational effort to safeguard commercial shipping interests in the region.

Impact on Global Shipping and Supply Chain

With Houthi attacks forcing shipping companies to reroute vessels, major delays and disruptions in global trade have been observed. Companies such as Suzuki, Tesla, BP, Shell, and others have been affected, leading to significant increases in the price of global shipping containers and logistical challenges around major international shipping routes.

International Response and Efforts to Protect Trade Routes

The US Department of Defence has announced collaborative initiatives to protect trade routes and secure shipping lanes in response to the escalated Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The heightened tensions in the region have underscored the significance of maintaining secure maritime trade and navigation.


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