Exclusive: Amanda Abbington Exposes ‘Nasty’ Giovanni Pernice in Shocking Strictly Feud Revelation


Title: Amanda Abbington Calls Out Giovanni Pernice as “Nasty” and Sparks Investigation

Amanda Abbington Calls Out Giovanni Pernice

Amanda Abbington has finally broken her silence on the bitter fallout with Strictly Come Dancing star Giovanni Pernice, branding him as “nasty.” The 52-year-old actress has taken legal action against the Italian dancer and involved her lawyers, while the BBC has initiated an inquiry into his behavior on the show.

Allegations Against Giovanni Pernice

The feud between Amanda Abbington and Giovanni Pernice reportedly originated from claims that Giovanni’s behavior crossed the line during rehearsals, leading Amanda to leave the show last October and be diagnosed with mild post-traumatic stress disorder.

Insight from Amanda Abbington

In a recent interview with the Mail, Amanda clarified that it was her decision to request the recording of practice sessions, contradicting Giovanni’s alleged conduct. She revealed, “I asked for them to be recorded, it was me. Giovanni is nasty. He was awful to a few of us, a group of us.”

Ongoing Public Fallout

The aftermath of the incident has dominated Amanda’s life since then, with continuous revelations and conflicting statements from both parties amid the ongoing dance war. The public spectacle has also resulted in vile abuse from some of the program’s dedicated fan base towards the Sherlock star.

Lingering Effects

Amanda highlighted how the distressing situation behind the scenes tainted what was supposed to be an enjoyable experience on the show. Central Recorder on Sunday recently disclosed that following a review of training room footage, senior BBC executives were deeply disturbed by Giovanni’s behavior, prompting them to demand an apology from him.

Internal Investigation

The BBC has launched an internal probe into allegations of serious workplace misconduct after receiving complaints from previous dance partners, including Amanda Abbington and TV host Laura Whitmore. Legal representation from Carter Ruck has been sought by the aggrieved parties, with one source indicating that Giovanni’s teaching style prompted the installation of cameras and on-site note-taking due to concerns.

Further Detail Emerges

Last week, revelations surfaced regarding Giovanni allegedly sending an offensive video to a celebrity dance partner via WhatsApp in advance of a live Saturday night show filming session. While the BBC has refrained from commenting officially on the matter, Giovanni denies all accusations leveled against him.

Remaining Caution

In response to the unfolding situation, the BBC issued a statement urging against speculation and emphasizing the significance of maintaining confidentiality for all involved in any complaints. Giovanni Pernice continues to deny the allegations surrounding his training methods as the investigation unfolds.


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