Elon Musk sabotages Twitter Deal: The Best Jokes, Memes and Reactions


Elon Musk was the subject of a torrential stream of Twitter free speech after he stated that he would not be able to fulfill his $44 million deal to purchase the company.

A Friday letter from his lawyers to Twitter claimed that the right-wing Twitter power user was cancelling the April pact. “appears to have made false and misleading representations,”Includes “dramatically understating the proportion of spam and false accounts.”Why? the world’s wealthiest individual seemingly failed to conduct due diligence on this issue prior to clinching an acquisition agreement is unclear; Wall Street analysts have suggested Musk was in fact seeking a lower price tag given the stock market’s sharp year-to-date decline. Twitter stated Friday that it would sue Musk for not adhering to the terms of his original offer.

Naturally, Twitter users had a field day with this latest development, gleefully posting memes, jokes and barbed critiques about Musk’s about-face.

“BREAKING: Elon Musk has announced he’s pulling out of his Twitter deal in order to spend more time with his ego,” Cracked screenwriter Randi Mayem Singer (“Mrs. Doubtfire”).

Many Twitter commenters laughed at the report. Musk had twinsWith Neuralink, the neurotech company he founded. That brings the number of children he’s believed to have fathered to 10, including his second child with musician Grimes born in December 2021 a few short months after the birth of the twins.

“Elon Musk pulls out, for the first time ever,” QuippedLaura Bassett, Jezebel’s editor-in-chief (who gave Erin Ryan gets credit for the joke of Crooked Media’s “Hysteria” podcast).

“Elon Musk looking at his child support bills, realizing he can’t afford a social media site anymore,”Tweet Mike DruckerFor more information, contact the writer “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.”

Here are some of the best reactions to Musk’s move to terminate the Twitter takeover:

Above: Elon Musk attends New York City’s 2022 Met Gala on May 2, 2012.


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