Elize Matsunaga: Once Upon a Crime Season 2 Release Date


What happens when a murder accuse of the most sensational case comes forward to talk to the world, to tell why she commit the crime in the first place? Eliza Matsunaga: Once upon a time, the docuseries delves into the 2012 most sensational case of Elize Matsunaga, who killed and dismembered his husband and help us to peek into the mind of Elize as she talks to Eliza Chapai.The case plugged with horrors and mystery was released on Netflix on July 8, 2021, and has since been creating a frenzy all around with its Unsettling, gut-wrenching, narration. The 4 episode long show showed Stephanie Sherry as Juliana Fincatti Santoro along with Elize Matsunaga herself. Despite being a documentary, the show surprises with its brilliant cinematic touches. The portrayal of Elize dismembering Marco’s body and disposing of it in garbage bags at multiple locations is heart-wrenching.But if you are wondering if the makers are coming up with a second season, then here is what we know so far!!

Elize Matsunaga: Once Upon a Crime Season 2 Renewal:

Elize Matsunaga: Once upon a time has turned out great, but Netflix will have to lolk out if the show can draw the expected attention. And that’s why it’s too early to expect a renewal. Considering the epic cinematography and narration, the fans will be looking for season 2 but it seems like Elize has narrated everything she had to tell to the world. Now in case more developments take place around the case, and season 1 brings in huge viewership then we could expect a Season 2 renewal soon but otherwise, the chances are thin.

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