Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s Action-Packed Injury on Set of ‘The Smashing Machine’ Rocks Hollywood!


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Suffers Injury While Filming

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson found himself in a precarious situation while filming his A24 mixed martial arts movie, The Smashing Machine. In a candid video shared on Instagram, Johnson revealed that he sustained a significant injury, leaving his right elbow swollen and potentially suffering from soft tissue damage.

Describing the Injury

“Look at that sucker right there,” Johnson said, showcasing his visibly inflamed elbow, which he likened to having “a cantaloupe in the bottom of my elbow.” The actor acknowledged the severity of the injury, stating, “I got banged up pretty good today in our scenes, and there might be some soft tissue damage in there. That’s a lot of fluid, we’ll see. I’ve got to get it out of there first before I can get any kind of MRI.”

Seeking Advice and Remedy

Johnson remained upbeat despite the injury, recalling advice given to him by his late father, the legendary wrestler Rocky Johnson. “He always used to say, ‘A day without pain is like a day without sunshine, boy,'” Johnson shared.

While the extent of the injury and its potential impact on the production schedule remains uncertain, Johnson turned to his followers, asking for recommendations on effective anti-inflammatory remedies. “I’ve been banged up in the past before, I’ve had injuries before … but if you guys have any advanced advice on some great anti-inflammatories, please let me know,” he said.

Adding Humor to the Situation

In true Rock fashion, Johnson could not resist adding humor to the situation. While sorting through various pills and medicines, he nonchalantly revealed a bottle of his Teremana Tequila, the alcohol brand he launched in early 2020. Pouring himself a glass of the premium spirit, Johnson said, “I’ve tried them all. This might be my favorite anti-inflammatory.”

Raising his glass to the camera, Johnson toasted, “Cheers. And cheers to the f— melons at the bottom of your arm. … It feels better already.”

About the Movie

The Smashing Machine, directed by Benny Safdie, promises to be one of Johnson’s most dramatic and challenging roles to date. The film follows the life of wrestling and MMA champion Mark Kerr, with Johnson portraying the lead character and Emily Blunt co-starring as his wife, Dawn Staples.

In a previous interview with Variety, Johnson expressed his desire to push himself creatively and explore the spectrum of human emotion. “I’m at a point in my career where I want to push myself in ways that I’ve not pushed myself in the past. I’m at a point in my career where I want to make films that matter, that explore a humanity and explore struggle [and] pain,” he said.


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