Driver goes rogue, appears to be eating customer’s orders


Twitter user @DailyDeliveroo revealed that his driver went rogue and seemed to be eating his Deliveroo order.

The man, who is both a podcaster and a creative director, spoke out about the incident on Friday 28 October.

One tweet,He shared what appeared to have been a text message conversation he had with his driver.

“What happened?”He seemed to have messaged the driver.

The driver replied: “This food is very testy. I eat this. You can report the deliveroo company.”

“You’re an awful man,”The original poster responded, appearing disgruntled.

The driver also added: “I don’t care.”

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People expressed their shock at the driver’s apparent disregard in the comments section.

One person wrote: “If I ever received a message like this, oh my.”

“happened to me like twice,”Another person added, while the third wrote: “Ngl this the type of s*** that would make me so angry I’d laugh.”

Someone else added: “Man said ‘this food is very TESTY and then ‘I eat this’ and [face savouring food] emoji. I swear, on god, I’d be running in the street after the rider.”

The Deliveroo scandal didn’t end here.

The man also shared in another tweet that he contacted Deliveroo customer service representatives about the instance and they apparently left the chat when they stated they would investigate.

“Looks like customer service don’t want to hear it @DeliverooHelp,”He wrote it in one tweet.

He also shared a screenshot showing when Deliveroo’s support contact got back to him, but there wasn’t an option for a refund until he received his order.

“Man, the worst thing is they won’t refund us until they attempt to redeliver it,”He wrote.

Bagnall received his food from a second delivery driver. However, Bagnall still complained to customer service about his disappointment. They eventually stated that the food was good. “unable to compensate”He is not the one.

“Companies that have no policy on how they hire the workers that represent them are pretty backwards and awful at customer service.

“I see you @Deliveroo @DeliverooHelp & @Uber,” the man wrote.

A Deliveroo spokesperson told Indy100 that they’ve “Apologize” to the man and “They accepted the gesture of goodwill and made arrangements for the delivery of the meal.”

The man also told Indy100 that the delivery driver did come to his house and then “seemingly did a runner.”

“Calling us and taunting us before he did,” he said.

He also reiterated that he got “a fresh order” and a “refund,” eventually following “a lot of back and forth,” and hasn’t used the service since then.

He added: “While it was mildly annoying, it’s provided everyone a lot of laughs, and you’ve got to get a kick out of someone doing a bit of a Micheal Douglas in Falling Down and going on a bit of a mad one.”

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