What does it actually do to your eyes if you put cucumbers on them?


What does it actually do to your eyes if you put cucumbers on them?

“Applying cucumber slices to the eye area can help to reduce puffiness because the coolness of cucumber slices acts as a vasoconstrictor, slowing blood flow,” esthetician Erin Larson explained to Allure. Dermatologist Dr. Robert Anolik added, “[Eye] puffiness can occur with vessel dilation and swelling; the cool temperature of the cucumber assists in constructing those blood vessels, relieving puffiness.”

We’ll always say yes to less puff and reduced redness around our eyes. This little extra could help us avoid rubbing our eyes if they’re dry or itchy. According to Healthline, the hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties of cucumber can also make the skin around our eyes look more revived.

You don’t have to wait until your next spa visit to get this affordable beauty treatment. A cucumber can be found in your fridge. You could use it to place slices on your eyes, while you listen to music or meditate. Consider making a brightening or dark chocolate scrub. You can feel amazing inside and out by creating your own DIY food treatments.


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