Discover the secret Costa del Sol theme park reopening against all odds with only 2 workers!


Abandoned Costa del Sol Theme Park, Tivoli World, Set to Reopen Its Doors

An abandoned theme park in Costa del Sol, manned by loyal workers who were prevented from leaving, is about to rise from the ashes. Tivoli World in Benalmadena was closed down during the covid-19 pandemic. However, the two dedicated workers kept the park in perfect condition, refusing to let it fall into disarray despite the closure.

The Loyal Workers Who Kept Tivoli World Alive

Despite the closure of Tivoli World and the filing of bankruptcy by its owners, the park’s employees were not allowed to seek employment elsewhere. Instead, they chose to continue showing up every day to keep the park running smoothly. This unusual dedication ensured that the theme park remained in pristine condition even when deserted.

The Vision to Reopen Tivoli World

Benalmadena’s mayor, Juan Antonio Lara, has made a resolute promise to reclaim the park from its owners and reopen it. He is tirelessly working on finding solutions to make this vision a reality. Furthermore, he has assured the community that the park will indeed be revived as an amusement park, rejuvenating it to its former glory.

A Glimpse into the Future of Tivoli World

Currently, Tivoli World stands deserted, with only a weekly pop-up market in its car park. However, there is hope on the horizon. The deputy mayor, Presi Aguilera, has disclosed that a foreign investor is contemplating a bid to revitalize the theme park. Talks are already underway with the owner to facilitate the takeover and ensure that Tivoli World’s essence as an amusement park is preserved.

The Stalwart Path to Rebirth

While there are discussions about the potential use of the park’s space as a hotel or for commercial activities, the key focus remains on reopening Tivoli World as an amusement park. The hope is to infuse vitality back into this once-beloved theme park, making it a vibrant and lively attraction yet again.


The awe-inspiring enduring dedication of the two loyal workers at Tivoli World has ignited a glimmer of hope for the park’s revival. With the unwavering determination of government officials and the interest of a foreign investor, the prospect of seeing Tivoli World rise from its slumber is well within reach. This story of resilience and vision serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of one of Costa del Sol’s iconic attractions.


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